Oss Maps


The maps are located in the map area in one long aisle leading to John's office. We are starting at one end and working our way down the aisle. This is a production project we want to get through as many maps in as short a period of time as possible.

In 550 There will be a pile of maps to be worked on.

  1. Search OCLC.
    1. Make sure map matches OCLC record. This can be tricky with maps. If there are correction or minor edit dates these count and require a different record.
    2. Make sure all numbering on the map matches the record. Most of these maps were created by the gov’t and having numbering on them.

If No record matches put map in OCLC zero pile. If map has no exact record but a close record if it would take little work (just changing the date), then derive from the record. If it would take more work. Put on OCLC problem pile.

  1. If Map has matching OCLC record
    1. Look for 007 if none, add it on OCLC
    2. Look for 245 h if none add it on OCLC
    3. If MARC record lacks any other mandatory fields (At least 1 Subject heading, or a call number) Add map to the record needs more info pile.

If you map has a matching OCLC with sufficient info, catalog it. Add our holdings in OCLC Export the OCLC record.

In Voyager stat the record as a recon. Follow the end processing procedures. Add an item record.

When map is done put on truck in Shane’s old cubicle.


If we already own the map put map in the duplicate pile and stat it on the paper.

OCLC zero

If the maps has no OCLC record put the in the OCLC zero pile and stat it on the stat paper.

Notes from John

  1. 1.Cross off old OSS call number.
  2. 2.Unfold maps to the maximum drawer size before writing call number on map (37”x49”)
  3. 3.Call number should be written in a single line. Not stacked like a book spine label
  4. 4.Do not write call numbers on adhesive labels and then place on maps. This is only used if the map is already encapsulated. Labels will fall off over time.
  5. 5.Follow the guidelines for what size a map is to be considered a VF (vertical file) map. And put (VF) in front of the call number. We still have an active VF section of the map collection. (max size is 11”x18”)