General guidelines for recording issues and volumes
Recording volumes: Most numbers are preceded by captions; most captions are abbreviated (see Common abbreviations and other MFHD conventions); spaces are not input before or after punctuation:
On piece: | On MFHD |
Volume/Vol. 1 | v.1 |
Band.3 | Bd.3 (use upper case for German captions only) |
tomus 15c | t.15c (transcribe letters following usage on piece) |
Part VI A | pt.6A (transcribe Roman numerals as Arabic numbers) |
Bd. 1-2-3 | Bd.1/3 (use slash to separate numbers issued combined) |
v.3 & 4 | v.3/4 |
Foreign-language ordinal numbers are recorded as number followed by a period:
On piece: | On MFHD |
erster Band | 1.Bd. |
2re | 2. |
Volumes without captions use generic v.
On piece: | On MFHD |
* | v.1 |
More than one level of numbering: Periodical issues and volumes issued in parts or sections have multiple levels of numbering; a colon is used to separate levels:
Periodical issues
On piece: | On MFHD |
Band 20 Nummer 1 Juli 2000 | Bd.20:Nr.1 (2000:Juli) |
Volume 1:issue 1 January 5, 2000 | v.1:issue 1 (2000:Jan.5)(issue not abbreviated) |
Volumes issued in parts
On piece: | On MFHD |
Single issue with dual number and dual dates
On piece: Vol. 3 no. 52-v. 4 no. 1 Dec. 1999-Jan. 2000
On MFHD: v.3:no.52/v.4:no.1 (1999:Dec.25/2000:Jan.1)
Single numbered issue lacking volume number
On piece: Number 63 January 24, 2004
On MFHD: no.63 (2004:Jan.24)
Issues with dates only:
On piece: March 15, 2005
On MFHD: 2005:Mar.15
Issues lacking volume numbers, but numbered with the year
On piece: Number 1 Jan. 2006 On MFHD: 2006:no.1 (Jan.)
The mfhd lists holdings as a summary statement, beginning with the first volume held and ending with the last; a hyphen separates the first and last volume and indicates the library has all volumes covered by summary statement.
Dates: Regardless of how a year is formatted on the publication, a four digits of the year are used on the mfhd. A colon is used to separate year and month.
May 12 ’94 becomes 1994:May February 12, 2001 becomes 2001:Feb.12
Issues spanning more than one calendar year:
December 31-January 1, 2000-2001 becomes 2000:Dec.31/2001:Jan.1
Combination: Captions and numbers are recorded first followed by date(s) in parentheses:
Bibliographic volume covers single year:
Bd.1 (1999)
Bibliographic volume covers more than one year:
v.30 (1999/2000)
Format for adding volumes
NOTE: Holdings on the mfhd are structured as summary statements based on bibliographic volumes. When looking at the mfhd, there is no way of determining how many physical units are represented by a single bibliographic volume. The number of physical units may be found by displaying the item records, by looking at the bind line in the pop-up box (this would give the current binding pattern), or by checking the shelf.
1. Adding complete volumes: When the bibliographic volume is complete, the volume, issue, month, and year designations reflected in the check/in records are collapsed into a statement based on volume and year only.
A single bibliographic volume may cover one or more years:
** Add one volume covering one year as: 866 … |a v.1 (1995)
** Add one volume covering more than one year as: 866 … |a v.1 (1995/1996) 866 … |a v.1 (1994/1996)
** Add v.2 in the above examples: 866 … |a v.1 (1995)-v.2 (1996 866 … |a v.1 (1995/1996)-v.2 (1996/1997) 866 … |a v.1 (1994/1996)-v.2 (1997/1999)
2. Adding incomplete bibliographic volumes: A physical volume that represents only part of a bibliographic unit for a title is added on a separate 866-field. This pattern is used for all titles whose volumes are bound in 2 or more physical units.
a. A monthly title whose issues are numbered and carry the name of the month, bound in 2 physical units per year:
866 … |a v.1 (1960)-v.35 (1994)
Add the first half of 1995 on a separate 866-field: 866 … |a v.36:no.1 (1995:Jan.)-v.36:no.6 (1995:June)
Incomplete volumes are added on separate 866-fields because additional levels of enumeration and/or chronology are needed to adequately identify the piece. In this example, issue numbers and months must be used in addition to volumes and years. Data on both sides of the hyphen must contain the same level(s) of detail. When the second half of 1995 is added, the second 866-field will be deleted and the summary statement in the first 866 field edited to add v.36 as complete:
866 … |a v.1 (1960)-v.36 (1995)
b. A title issued in 12 numbers per year, whose issues carry only the year and an issue number:
866 … |a 1980-1996 866 … |a 1997:no.7-1997:no.12 866 … |a 1998:no.1-1998:no.6
When the first half of 1997 is added, the first 866-field will be edited to show 1997 as complete and the 2nd 866-field deleted:
866 … |a 1980-1997 866 … |a 1998:no.1-1998:no.6
When the second half of 1998 is added, the first 866-field will be edited to show complete holdings for 1990 through 1998 and the 2nd 866-field will be deleted:
866 …|a 1980-1998
3. Gaps: A new 866-field is created whenever there is a gap in holdings.
a. If the 1996 vol. were to be bound before 1995, the mfhd would read:
866 … |a v.1 (1980)-v.15 (1994) 866 … |a v.17 (1996)
When 1995 is bound, the mhld would be revised:
866 … |a v.1 (1980)-v.17 (1996) (the second 866-field is deleted)
b. Incomplete periodical volumes (those missing individual issues) are added to reflect precisely those issues actually held by the Library. A new 866-field is used each time there is a gap in the issues; adding 1 incomplete volume (v. 21 in the example below) may take several 866-fields:
866 … |a v.1 (1960)-v.10 (1969) 866 … |a v.12 (1971)-v.20 (1979) 866 … |a v.21:no.1 (1980:Jan.-v.21:no.7 (1980:July) 866 … |a v.21:no.9 (1980:Sept.)-v.21:no.10 (1980:Oct.) 866 … |a v.21:no.12 (1980:Dec.) 866 … |a v.22 (1981)-v.35 (1995)
4. Adding to titles with continuous issue numbering:
Some titles lack volume numbers and use continuous issue numbering. The mfhd includes issue number and year; or issue number, month, and year, depending on how the issues are dated:
Issues have number and year only: 866 … |a no.1 (1950)-no.500 (1995)
Issues have number, month, and year: 866 … |a no.1 (1950:Jan.)-no.500 (1995:Dec.)
5. Adding to titles lacking volume numbers with issues numbered within the year:
Issues have number and year only: 866 … |a 2004:no.1-2004:no.26
issues have number, month, date, and year: 866 … |a 2004:no.2 (Feb.1)-2004:no.12 (Dec.1)
Special considerations for serials:
Some publications have an ordinal number usually indicating an edition or a conference:
1st ed.(assumes a numbered ed.; edition/ed. appears on piece)
33rd (could be a numbered ed. or a numbered conference; no caption appears with number on the piece)
All foreign language ordinal numbers are recorded as number followed by a period:
erster Band becomes 1.Bd. 2re becomes 2.
Serials with numbering only
Create a summary statement using the appropriate caption and numbering:
v.1-v.10 2nd ed.-10th ed. 3.Jahrg.-4.Jahrg.
Serials with dates only
Regardless of how a year is formatted on the publication, all 4 digits of the year are used on the mhld:
'94 becomes 1994
If a serial volume spans more than one calendar year, all 4 digits of both the first and last year are used on the mhld; a slash is used between years:
1993-94 becomes 1993/1994 1993-1994-1995 becomes 1993/1995 '91/'01 becomes 1991/2001
Combination: Captions and numbers are recorded first followed by year(s) in parentheses:
Bd.1 (1995) v.30 (1992/1996) 33rd ed. (1993)
Special situations
Serial units in multiple volumes: Some conference publications and serial editions are issued in more than one volume. If all volumes arrive at the same time, the unit is added without indication of multiple volumes:
866 … 3rd (1996) 866 … 1994
(Item records reflect the fact that the bibliographic unit comprises more than a single vol.)
NOTE: In addition, the bibliographic record usually contains a note to the effect that the title is published in parts. Notify cataloguing when a title publishes a multi-volume edition for the first time.
Incomplete serial units: If all the volumes of an edition do not arrive at the same time, the mfhd will list only those parts in the library. Incomplete units are listed on separate 866-fields because a second level of numbering is needed to accurately identify what is owned. There must be parallel levels of numbering on both sides of the hyphen:
Ex.1: 866 … 1st (1994)-2nd (1995) 866 … 3rd:v.2 (1996)-3rd:v.4 (1996)
When the first vol. of the 3rd ed. arrives, the mfhd is revised:
866 … 1st (1994)-3rd (1996)
Ex.2 866 … 1990-1994 866 … 1995:v.1
When the remaining vols. of 1995 arrive, the mhld is revised:
866 … 1990-1995
Revised volumes within a serial run:
Occasionally a revised version of a volume already listed on the mfhd is received. Add the volume on a separate 866-field following the original volume. Generally, include the abbreviation rev. as part of the numbering and the date of publication, if it is easily determined.
To add a revised edition to a title with both numbering and dates:
Existing mfhd: 866 … v.1 (1980)-v.15 (1995)
Revise mfhd to account for revised ed.: 866 … v.1 (1980)-v.3 (1982) 866 … v.3:rev. (1995) 866 … v.4 (1983)-v.15 (1995)
To add a revised edition to a title with numbering only:
866 … v.1 866 … v.1:rev. (1994) 866 … v.2-v.10
To add a revised edition to a title with dates only:
866 … 1960-1992 866 … 1992:rev. 866 … 1993-1995
5. Adding supplement volumes:
Only supplement volumes that are bound separately are added to 867-fields on the mhld. Supplements that are bound with the regular volumes are not added to the mhld.
a. Supplements in the example below share the volume numbering of the regular issues:
867 … |a v.11:suppl.(1991)-v.12:suppl.(1992) 867 … |a v.13:suppl.1 (1993)-v.13:suppl.2 (1993)
b. Supplements in the example below have an independent numbering scheme:
867 … |a no.1 (1989)-no.5 (1992) 867 … |a no.8 (1993)
6. Adding index volumes:
Only index volumes that are bound separately are added on 868-fields. Indexes that are included with the regular volumes are not added to the mhld.
Indexes issued as regularly numbered issues/volumes of a periodical are not listed in an 868-field, but included with the regular issues in an 866-field. A 555-note in the bibliographic record is used to indicate that particular issues/volumes are in fact indexes.
a. Usually separately-bound index volumes are cumulative indexes, covering multiple volumes/years:
868 … |a v.1/5 (1980/1984) 868 … |a v.7/12 (1986/1992)
b. Use a summary statement if there is no gap between cumulative indexes:
868 … |a v.1/6 (1980/1985)-v.7/12 (1986/1992)
c. For some titles, annual indexes are separately bound, and are added in 868-fields:
868 … |a v.1 (1992)-v.2 (1993)
7. Adding to titles that change part way through a volume
- NOTE: this was revised in May 2000 to bring SUL practice more closely into line with national standards
When titles change part way through a bibliographic volume, the last bindery unit of the old title and the first bindery unit of the new title are added as incomplete bibliographic volumes.
If the title of a monthly publication changes with the May 1999 issue, the mfhd for the old title would look something like this:
866 … v.1 (1991)-v.8 (1998) 866 … v.9:no.1 (1999:Jan.)-v.9:no.4 (1999:Apr.)
The mfhd for the new title would contain the rest of bibliographic v.9 on a separate 866-field:
866 … v.9:no.5 (1999:May)-v.9:no.12 (1999:Dec.)
The summary statement of complete bibliographic volumes would begin on a new 866-field:
866 … v.10 (2000)-v.11 (2001)
10. Adding the last volume to a title cancelled in print in favor of electronic access:
If the pop-up note box indicates the title has been cancelled in favor of electronic access and the volume being added represents the last issues to be bound, suppress those issues as usual and delete the component. Close the pattern if any print issues remain on the replacement shelf.
In addition, make the following changes to the 852-field of the mfhd:
a. Remove the note beginning, Current issues in ¼
- Add a new subfield z to the 852 indicating the earliest year that access is electronic only:
|z Available only in electronic version, 2003-
11. Adding separately bound "special issues"
Occasionally, a special issue will be produced as part of a periodical. If this type of issue is bound separately, it must be listed on the mfhd.
These sorts of issues are added on 866-fields at the point where they fall chronologically:
866 … |a v.1 (1990)-v.2 (1991) 866 … |a 1991:special issue 866 … |a v.3 (1992)-v.6 (1995) 866 … |a v.1 (1885)-v.100 (1984) 866 … |a centennial issue (1985) 866 … |a v.101 (1985)-v.111 (1995)
12. Supplement and index headings:
Does the mfhd list supplements and/or indexes?
If so, are the non-public fields 867 ... |x SUPPLEMENTS: and 868 ... |x INDEXES present?
If not, add them. These are used to separate the different types of holdings and to help us add supplements and indexes correctly.