Score Checklist 2009
1. Match record with score in hand
*Name in 100 should be on score *Title in 245 should be on score *Edition statement should be in record if on score. *Publisher in 260 should be on score *Number in the 028 (Publisher number for music) should be on the score *Edition statement if in record should be on score
2. If record lacks a call number create one.
3. Record needs at least 1 valid subject heading. If lacking a subject Heading create one. If you have a See Reference in the validation box, change the heading to the appropriate authorized form.
4. Piece needs binding decision slip filled out by Carole Vidale. If this is missing it needs to be created by her.
5. If record contains 856 related resources, add to MFHD
6. Update info in MFHD 852 including permanent location, call number and 866 volume info if needed.
7. Create item record.
8. If item is marked to "pam bind" staple barcode to binding slip.
9. Update holdings on OCLC.