Office Copy


Occasionally books are ordered for office locations and are not intended to circulate.

Do not update holdings on OCLC for office copies EXCEPT for bib office locations. Since most office copies do not circulate, they are not available through ILL so no SYB on OCLC.

These materials are suppressed from the OPAC display, (except for off,bib)

The call number for off,bib is OFFICE COPY. They receive a barcode. Other locations do not receive a call number. They are barcoded.

Office locations are as follows:

off,acc --Access Services Office

off,adm --Administration Office

off,belf --Belfer Office

off,bib -- Academic Resources Office

off,docs -- Documents Office

off,fa -- Fine Arts Office

off,geol -- Geology Library Librarians Office

off,ill -- Interlibrary Loan Office

off,isd -- ISD Office

off,math -- Math Library Librarians Office

off,med -- Media Office

off,pers -- Personal Office

off,phys --Physics Library Librarians Office

off,pres - Preservation Office

off,sec --Security Office

off,spec --SCRC Office

off,sys -- Systems Office

    • Office copies for Maps are cataloged for off,docs and have a note in a subfield x Kept in Maps Librarian Office.

‡b off,docs ‡x Kept in Map Librarian's office.