CD Cataloging

1. Take CDs from shelf across from Pat's desk

2. Connexion

Look for existing catalog record in Connexion using UPC (standard number / "sn:"), publisher number ("mn:") or any combination of title, authors, and year.

If an existing record is found, make any needed changes, then update holdings and export. Only replace record if it's very bad.

3a. Voyager - Bib

Log into Voyager using 'SU LC Cataloging' location to prevent mistakes.

Import Bib. record into Voyager. Add any applicable gift note, and 948 field with location of s (Bird), format of r (sound record), transaction (source) of a (purchase) or g (gift) respectively, and piece count according to the number of containers used to hold full bibliographic entity (not necessarily number of discs - see item pieces below).

Example: ‡a 20131002 ‡b mav ‡l s ‡f r ‡t g ‡p 1

If CDs were purchased, delete existing order record if it isn't automatically overlaid (replace "ord" in MFHD field 852 with appropriate location code)

3b. Voyager - MFHD

Create holdings record with 852 for location and call number. If multiple discs are brought together into one container for circulation, add an 866 field for piece count.

Example: 852 8 _ ‡b fa,sr ‡h COMPACT DISC ‡i 15000 866 _ 0 ‡a Disc 1 - Disc 3

Remember to note accession number used so it doesn't get used twice. Search if you're unsure. Use this google doc to track accession numbers (

3c. Voyager - Item

Create a new item for each container. Rehouse CDs in standard jewel cases if they come in nonstandard (paper, etc.) packaging. Item type = Sound recording (not restricted) Status = In process (this is cleared after end-processing is completed) Number of pieces is the number of pieces in the circulating container. For example, some CD box sets will come with dozens of CDs, which we must split in order to circulate. Sometimes we will pair two CDs if they are reissues of a two-CD set, represent a continuation of a recorded performance, or otherwise belong together for whatever reason.

Note: The 948 pieces in the bibliographic record represents the number of containers used to house all of the publication represented in the bib record. This may be fewer than the number of CDs if some are grouped together. The 866 in the MFHD represents the number of pieces within any circulating container. This should match the number of pieces field in the item record.

4. Once barcoded and saved in Voyager, CDs should be placed on cart (near Brian McLaughlin's desk) for end processing. If a hold / rush slip was placed in the CD, it should be put on the red rush cart next to it for faster handling.