When you have a title that is OCLC 0, create a record on OCLC for the piece in hand.

  • The record would include the fixed field and all variable fields filled out as completely as possible.
  • Use ElvL 7 in the fixed field.
  • Make sure record includes an 007 if a non-book format,an ISBN if on the book, 1xx field, 245, 250, 260, 300, and a subject heading. In addition, maps need an 034 and a 255 for scale information. Music and DVDs need 511 and 518 fields as well.

Create call numbers for items that need LC call numbers.

  • Update holdings and export record into Voyager.
  • 948 as a usual for your format.
  • If non-existent heading appears in your validation box, change to the appropriate authorized heading.

Your supervisor does not need to see these records as they will surface through minimal record batching and Bib notification.