856 Related resources procedures
The 856 field indicates a relationship between the MARC record and an electronic data source. Syracuse University Library has decided that this field will be located and maintained in both the MARC bibliographic record and in the MARC record for holdings (MFHD) for the item.
856 fields are found in records imported from OCLC. When there is an electronic version of a paper resource current SUL policy is to make a separate record for the e-resource. (Except for SSAS records, which put all on one)
When the link is to a related resource (Table of Contents, sample text, companion website, etc.) all 856 fields will be added to the MFHD for the item.
When you find an 856 in your record
in Summit verify that the link works In Cataloging module Click on Record -- Verify hyperlinks Double click on the highlighted text. If the 856 works: evaluate the content and decide whether or not to link.
When do we create a link or leave a link in?
We want working links to online versions or related resources. However, not every 856 will be accepted.
Advertisements Publishers sites Sites that have nothing to do with the object in hand. In these cases delete the 856 in the MARC record
Determine if the table of content contains unique keywords that would increase the odds of retrieval. If so, copy and paste the table of contents into a 505 field AND ALSO add the 856 field into the MFHD. If the Table of Contents does not contain useful keywords do not copy and paste, simply add it as a Related Electronic Resource.
This a related Electronic resource. If the cataloger determines that the information is substantial enough to be useful, leave the 856 in bib record and add the 856 to the MFHD.
This a related Electronic resource. If the cataloger determines that the information is substantial enough to be useful, leave the 856 in bib record and add the 856 to the MFHD.
When you have a title in your hand, look for potential electronic links noted on the item. If you find potential links on the cover or anywhere on the piece, search for that site. If the site has informational content, add an 856 field and the 856 to the MFHD.
===Adding the 856 to the MFHD===
If the link is to an electronic version, you do NOT just add a MFHD. That situation requires a separate record.
If you have a Related electronic resource: Add a |z as the first subfield in the 856. For a Related electronic resource the |z will contain standard identification phrase and a description of where the link is to. eg.
|z 42 Related electronic resource: Sample text |z 42 Related electronic resource: Table of contents
The subfield z is followed by a subfield u with the URL.
EXAMPLE 852 bird,n |h N322 |i .M22 2002 856 42 |z Related electronic resource : Table of Contents |u http://www.loc.gov 856 42 |z Related electronic resource : Sample text |u http://www.sampletext.com