Bound with is a term used by catalogers when referring to books published separately but subsequently bound together. This situation will occur most frequently with retrospective conversion titles. Most often analysed series were bound together in arbitrarily made up volumes with no collective title pages, each volume including several independent published numbers in a series. Please see the information below regarding procedures for monographic bound withs and serial/periodical bound withs.
Monographic Bound withs
1. Make a list of all titles ( title / author. imprint date) which are bound together in the order in which they are bound. Transcribe title and statement of responsbility from each title page.
example: Cryptorhynchinae of Rapa / Elwood C. Zimmerman. 1938. ; Distribution andvariation of Achatinella Mustelina Mighels in Mountains, Oahu / D'alte A. Welch.1938. ; A manual of recent and fossil marine mollusks / William Dall. 1938. ; ...
2. Catalog the first title found in the bound in.
If a new title, export record from OCLC or if necessary, create one.If a record for another copy exists - use the 'Make a copy' feature from Summit.In the local bib record for the bound with copy, input a 590 note: Bound with ... (list all the titles bound together. See example above)In MFHD indicate call number and location. Add a 866 with |z Bound with other titlesCreate an item record for this first title.
3. Catalog the subsequent titles bound in the volume. Always include the 590 boundwith note. DO NOT CREATE MFHDs for these records. Record Bibliographic number, you will need this for another step.
Retreive the item record made from the 1st title record
In the item record, go the the menu and select Record. From here, Link to bibliographic. This will open up a box.
- Enter the bib number of the second title.
- Click on the OK message. It should say Item successfully linked to bib.
- Repeat this process with all the subsequent bib records.
Serial Bound withs
Serial bound-withs result when issues representing two or more title variants of a sequence of title changes are bound in one physical volume. Latest entry cataloging encouraged binding together the bibliographic volume when it was comprised of more than one title. To facilitate the retrospective barcoding of collections, the Bibliographic Policy and Standards Group has determined that notes describing the local binding of periodicals will be made on the MARC holdings record using sub-field z of the 866-field. One item record will be created for the volume and will be general linked to the earliest title in the sequence of variants. In addition, a note concerning the need to search that earliest title for complete status information will be made on the subsequent title(s).
Create an item record for the physical volume. Base the enumeration and chronology on the entire physical volume.
1. Link item record to the first title in the sequence. At the end of the 866-field for that partial volume, add a note in sub-field z that describes the bound with:
Example:866 … $a v.3:no.1 (1930:Jan.)-v.3:no.4 (1930:Apr.) $z Bound with Journal of the befuddled, v.3:no.5-12 (1930:May-Dec.)
2. Retrieve the holdings record for the next title in the sequence and add a note in sub-field z that describes the bound with:
Example:866 … $a v.3:no.5 (1930:May)-v.3:no.12 (1930:Dec.) $z Bound with Notes from the befuddled, v.3, no.1-4 (1930:Jan.-Apr.). For status, search journal title: Notes from the befuddled.
If there are more than two titles in the bound volume, continue as in no.2; reference only the title that carries the barcode.