Feb. 23, 2005 REV. DRAFT

For information on adding periodicals and serials, see *Issues


Purpose: These guidelines will guide for MFHD creation and clarify whether one or several mfhds are needed with a single bibliographic record for both . Guidelines will cover all formats and are to be used in conjunction with guidelines for when to use one or multiple bibliographic records.

Basic principle: In general, MFHDs indicate copies, use multiple MFHDs for multiple copies.

  • Two copies of a monograph, a map, a video, etc. require two mfhds.
  • Duplicate copies of one or more volumes of a multi-part title or a serial require two mfhds.
  • Microform versions share a bibliographic record with the print; record is edited to account for the microform. Separate mfhds are created for each format.
  • Most electronic versions and print counterparts are on separate bibliographic records. Exceptions include government documents and SU dissertations which contain separate mfhds for the different formats--print, microform, electronic, etc.
  • Occasionally serials, especially titles not on standing order, may have separate mfhds for different locations (e.g., SUL and MLK; Bird and Sci/Tech, etc.) in order to more clearly organize holdings by location.


Special situations relating to electronic resources:

  • Use multiple MFHDs (attached to one bibliographic record) for each URL when:

URL links to different provider for the title (coverage not a factor, important factor is the difference in provider)

ExamplesURL links to a “mirror” site

Electronic journal available via JSTOR and ProjectMuse

Electronic journal has “current” and “historical” holdings at two sites, or changes publisher, with content offered at two sites

  • Use one MFHD (attached to one bibliographic record) with multiple URLs when:

URL links to different e-version of the title, e.g. one URL is PDF format, one URL is HTML format

ExampleEach volume of multi-volume title has different URL (same provider but different extension)

ExampleURL links to same provider, but different URLs (has different extension) for different portions of title coverage

ExampleURL links to different e-version of the title, e.g. one URL is thumbnail image, one URL is display image

Use one MFHD (attached to one bibliographic record) with multiple URLs and additional formats when additional formats are suppressed from OPAC and are internal Library-use only.

URL links to different e-version of the title, e.g. one URL is thumbnail image, one URL is display image and the Library has the archival image on CD-ROM as back up. The CD-ROM is suppressed from OPAC. There is a need to know where the image described by the bibliographic record exists – in the thumbnail format, the display format, and on the back-up CD-ROM.

Related electronic resources:

Generally use a separate mfhd for the related ERException: URL representing an ER clearly designated as “supplementing” the print item is entered on the print mfhd.




If you want to know a lot more about capitalization and Abbreviations go to Abbreviations

Recording volumes: Most numbers are preceded by captions; most captions are abbreviated; spaces are not input before or after punctuation:

On PieceOn MFHD
Band.3Bd.3 (use upper case for German captions only)
tomus 15ct.15c (transcribe letters following usage on piece)
Part VI Apt.6A (transcribe Roman numerals as Arabic numbers)
Bd.1-2-3Bd.1/3 (use slash to separate numbers issued combined)
Band.3Bd.3 (use upper case for German captions only)

Volumes without captions: use generic v.

On PieceOn MFHD

Volumes with stars or other non-numeric designations are transcribed as numbers:

On PieceOn MFHD

Volumes with no numbering or designations: supply numbering based on content or logical arrangment of volumes. If contents note present in bibliographic record, record volume designations inside square brackets, eg., [v. 1.]. To keep Library has statement in the OPAC clear, do not use square brackets on the MFHD:

On Piece/in bibliogrpahic recordOn MFHD

More than one level of numbering: Volumes issued in parts or sections have multiple levels of numbering; use a colon is used to separate levels:

On PieceOn MFHD
Volume 1 part A section 2v.1:pt.A:section 2 (section is one of the captions not abbreviated)
Teil 2 Band 1 Abteilung 3T.1:Bd.1:Abt.3

The mfhd lists holdings as a summary statement, beginning with the first volume held and ending with the last; a hyphen separates the first and last volume and indicates the library has all volumes covered by summary statement.

                 Complete volumes only:
                 866   0 |8 0 |a v.1-v.15
                 Mixture of complete and incomplete volumes:        
                 866   0 |8 0 |a Bd.2:T.1:Abt.1-Bd.2:T.1:Abt.2
                       0 |8 0 |a Bd.3-Bd.4

The above example assumes Bd.2 is incomplete (e.g., a T.2 is logically to be expected)

*Incomplete volumes are added on separate 866-fields. If the completeness of a volume is in question, the more detailed information is left in the mfhd.

Item records: Whenever a mfhd has 866-lines, enter the appropriate enumeration on the item record. This must be present to fully identify the piece.

Serials use of the public note (sub-field z in fields 852 and 866)

For Periodicals (and newspapers):

The following notes are used to locate current issues (Current or unbound issues of periodicals are usually located in different location from the bound volumes. Titles in reference collections are the exception):

  • Current issues in Architecture Reading Room, 102 Slocum.
  • Current issues in Current Periodicals area, Bird-2nd floor.
  • Current issues in Fine Arts Limited Access, Bird-4th floor.
  • Current issues in Geology Lib-Current periodicals area.
  • Current issues in Math Lib-Current periodicals area.
  • Current issues in Physics Lib-Current periodicals area.
  • Current issues in reference.
  • Current issues on Reserve at Geology circulation desk.
  • Current issues on Reserve at Math circulation desk.
  • Current issues on Reserve at Sci/Tech circulation desk.
  • Current issues in Sci-Tech Lib-Room 103.
  • Current issues in Current periodicals area, Bird-2nd floor until microform copy received.
  • Current issues in reference until microform copy received.
  • Current issues in Bird-Newspapers, 2nd floor until microform copy received.
  • Notes denoting limited retention:

Library retains current year.Library retains current 2 [3, etc.] years.Library retains current 3 months.

In these cases the location in Mfhd field 852 is that for the periodical reading area. E.g. bird,cur

NOTE 1: More than a single note is sometimes required. Each note is input in a separate sub-field z.

Example:852 01 |b bird,ap |h AP2 |i .N55 |z Latest issue in reference. |z Library retains latest 2 editions.

NOTE 2:' Notes are constructed following these patterns as new situations arise:

Example:852 … |z Current issues Bird-Fine Arts Ref, 4th floor.

The location used in the note is based on the OPAC display for that location.

To alert users that they would no longer be seeing the familiar print issues for certain journals, the following pattern of note was developed and is used when SUL’s access to a periodical changes from print to online only:

Example:852 01 |b sci,per |h QP98 |I .A599 |z Available only in electronic version, 2002-

To alert users that not all issues are available online, the following note was adopted in 2002 (this note is input in a sub-field z that is part of the 866-field):

Example:866 … |a Electronic holdings begin with v.6 (1967). |z Some issues may not be available online.

To alert users that a subscription has been cancelled, the following note is input:

Example:852 … |z No longer received.

(NOTE: This note is not added when titles change (the former title is closed out bibliographically, making the note meaningless). In addition, the note is not used when access changes from print to online, since the title is still being received.)


  • For serials in reference collections
    • Notes are used to inform users that part of a run—usually the latest issue or 2—is temporarily in a reference collection. Item record temporary locations and item types are used to reinforce the note information. The temporary item type of non-circulating blocks circulation of the latest issue(s).

Examples:Latest edition in referenceTwo latest editions in reference


  • Special situations:
    • Reference collections other than first floor Bird:
      • Latest edition in Bird-Govt Info-Ref, 3rd Floor (using OPAC message for the appropriate location)
    • Branch title whose latest edition is in Bird main reference:
      • Latest edition in Bird-Reference, 1st Floor (to make sure users know item is not in Sci/Tech reference, but in Bird reference)


  • Other “temporary” locations:
    • Latest 5 editions in Bird-4th Floor, Fine Arts Limited Access.


  • Limited retention:
    • Library retains latest edition
    • Library retains latest 2 [etc.] editions

MFHDs for multi-volume titles within a COLLECTED series

Some monographic series are catalogued to give all volumes in the series the same call number. The series volume number is the distinguishing element of the call number. These series are designated COLLECTED. The call number is always part of both the authority record and of the local receipt record for COLLECTED series.

Prior to NOTIS SUMMIT, such series were known as ANALYZED. In the Series Authority File (SAF), these series have the decision ANALYZED or CAT AS SER, ANALYZED. The call number is included on the SAF card.

For the most part, only monographic series on standing order are handled as COLLECTED; relatively few monographic series are now catalogued this way. The ANALYZED decision is often encountered in the course of retrospective decision.

There are 3 possibilities of how a serial or continuation might be published within a COLLECTED or ANALYZED series:

1. All parts of the serial/continuation title have the same series number.2. Parts of the serial/continuation title have consecutive series numbers.3. Parts of the serial/continuation title have non-consecutive series numbers.


SUMMIT and spine marking conventions for each possibility:

1. All parts have the same series number:a. The call number in the 852 field on the mfhd contains simply the series volume number:852 … |b bird,d |h DD247.H5 |i P52 |i v.9b. The mfhd contains a summary holdings statement based on the numbering of the serial or continuation title.866 ... pt.1-pt.5c. The book is marked with the series number followed by the numbering of the serial/continuationv.9 pt.1d. The enumeration of the item record contains both numbers:v.9 pt.1


2. Parts have consecutive series numbers:a. The call number in the copy holdings record contains the series volume number of the first part of the serial of continuation followed by a hyphen:852 … |b bird,d |h DD247.H5 |i P52 |i v.9-b. The mfhd contains a summary holdings statement based on the numbering of the serial or continuation title, followed by a parenthetical phrase beginning: shelved under ... The numbering used in the parenthetical phrase is the series numbering:866 ... pt.1-pt.5 (shelved under DD247.H5P52 v.9-v.13)c. The book is marked with the series number only.d. The enum/chron contains the series number only.


3. Parts have non-consecutive series numbers:a. The call number in the copy holdings record contains the series volume number of the first part of the serial/continuation followed by comma etc.:852 … |b bird,d |h DD247.H5 |i P52 |i v.9,etc.b. The mhld contains a line by line listing of each volume of the serial or continuation, followed by a parenthetical phrase beginning: shelved under ... The numbering used in the parenthetical phrase is the series numbering:866 ... pt.1 (shelved under DD247.H5P52 v.9)866 ... pt.2 (shelved under DD247.H5P52 v.15)866 ... pt.3 (shelved under DD247.H5P52 v.17)866 ... pt.4-pt.5 (shelved under DD247.H5P52 v.21-v.22)NOTE: Some titles may be a mixture as indicated above.c. The book is marked with the series number only.d. The enum/chron contains the series number only.

NOTE: These procedures are based on the necessity for the mfhd to list the volumes held of the title being catalogued. The designations used to express the holdings are based on how the parts of that title were issued. In the above examples, the assumption is that the title was issued in 5 distinct units called part 1-part 5. These part numbers are always listed on the mfhd.

In ex. 1, all 5 parts were published as v. 9 of the series. Therefore, all 5 parts will be found under v. 9 of the series in the run on the shelf; the v. 9 in the call number will locate all parts of the title for the user. The part numbers are used on the spine and in the item record to provide unique identification to each physical piece of the title.

In ex. 2-3, each of the 5 parts was published as a separately numbered volume of the series. Therefore, to assist the public, or the public services staff member, in finding the different parts of the title, we indicate exactly what series volume numbers comprise the title. In this way, the 5 parts can be located in the run of the series on the shelf. In these examples the part numbers are used only on the mfhd. The series volume numbers are used on the spine and in the item record to provide unique identification to each physical piece of the title.