Rigler Deutsche
Rigler-Deutsche records
General information
To give the broadest access to the material, we will catalog on OCLC. We will create or use one bibliographic record per physical item. We will follow our standard instructions for cataloging sound records
- All contents information will go in a 505 and have added entries for performers and song titles
- Issue and/or matrix numbers will go in the 028 fields and have a 500 note.
Basic procedures
1. With item in hand, search OCLC for bibliographic record. 2. If a record exists and it has all SU required fields, import and overlay. The record will be upgraded if necessary. 3. If an OCLC record does not exist, use local CatMe template to create a record. This will be a master record on OCLC. 4. Cataloger approximates date, finds authoritative names, and assigns appropriate LC subject headings using outside sources as necessary. 5. Overlay existing record in Summit. If each side of the sound recording has a bibliographic record in Summit – overlay one record and delete the other. We are doing object-oriented cataloging in this project; one bibliographic record will represent one object in its entirety.