Sound Recording Checklist 2009

Sound recording can be musical or spoken word. They come in various formats -- compact discs, LPs and cassettes. Most of what we receive are compact discs so this page is written with that focus. If you receive a different format to process, consult Bib Formats and Standards for specific details.

Match the record in Summit with piece in hand.

  • 007 Physical description (Required)
  • 028 should be in the record if item has one
  • 1xx Statement of responsibility - should match what is on the piece
  • Title in 245 should be somewhere on the CD
  • GMD [sound recording] in the subfield h of 245
  • Publisher in 260 should be on the piece
  • Physical description should match item in hand
    • If your 300 field says 1 disc and you have a cassette, give item to your supervisor
  • Date in 260 should be somewhere on the piece
  • 505 - add if not already in the record
  • There should be at least one valid subject heading
  • Gift or fund notes as needed
  • Add 948 stat field for format
  • If See Reference is in validation box, change heading to the appropriate authorized form.


  • location is fa,sr for musical sound
  • music is given an accession number (list posted in supervisor's cubicle)
  • 852 has a first indicator of 8 (other scheme)
  • location for spoken word is med
  • LC Call number is used for spoken word followed by subfield m [sound recording].
  • 866 is needed if item is multi-piece


  • Item type is sound recording
  • Barcode will be put on top left side of jewel case


  • Write the accession number on a slip of paper, attach to the jewel case and place it on the truck for items needing end processing.

If your item is OCLC 0, create a record on OCLC using the instructions for CORE cataloging (Pre 1/07/09 instructions)