Travel Voucher for Student/Guest (non-employee)

The following information relates specifically to the College of Law and is to be used as guidance specifically for College of Law employees. These guidelines are subject to change as SU Procedures and Policies change.

Travel Reimbursements
The travel voucher form is used to request reimbursement of out of pocket expenses related to University business travel to an individual. For guests such as speakers and students, please verify the expenses that will be covered prior to the trip with the traveler. See section if a company is being reimbursed. 

The mileage reimbursement rate for use of a personal automobile on University business incurred on or after 01/01/25 is $0.70 per mile. Use this travel voucher form for reimbursement and convert to a pdf once complete. 

Submit a completed pdf for the travel voucher to for approval. 

The packet should be submitted with all relevant documents in the following order as one pdf packet:

  1. Expense Report
    1. This page outlines all details for the travel. Its important to provide the travel dates, travel points, and detailed business purpose. 
    2. The chartstring must be provided in the section containing fund, department, program, account, etc. 
    3. The Name for the Expense Distribution and Dept Authorization for the College of Law is Maria Czaplicki. 
    4. The traveler signature is required or if the approval is provided in an email/guest reimbursement form, include the email with receipts and type "see attached email for approval."
  2. Daily Detail Report
  3. Itemized and detailed receipts
    1. For mileage, provide the google map calculating miles from the start (950 Irving Ave. Syracuse, NY)  and end address. If roundtrip, multiply by 2 or list all 3 addresses in map search.
    2. Gas or fuel is not reimbursable unless there is an associated rental car.
    3. If completed, include the Guest Reimbursement Form (2025 expenses only).
  4. Any information relevant to the event (event poster, specific approvals for funding source, etc.)
  5.  W9 completed for the individual.  (Note: If a corporation is being reimbursed, then they should generate an invoice to be paid on a PR instead of a TV)  

*For guidance on merging document into one pdf, see Adobe Acrobat and Working with PDF files.

If the traveler is an employee, then the traveler should not use this form but rather submit through Myslice. See the section for Employee Expense and Travel Reimbursements.

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