Gift Policy

The purpose of this policy is to identify the circumstances under which gifts that are purchased with University funds can/cannot be given, the form of such gifts can/cannot take, and, where applicable, any tax withholding or reporting requirements related to giving such gifts.

Gifts to Non-employees

Gifts of tangible personal property to non-employees (trustees, donors, business associates, visiting dignitaries, alumni, guests) that are not given as payment for services provided to the University are allowable as follows:

  1. Gifts of tangible personal property, (ceremonial objects, regalia, Syracuse University clothing and accessories or other memorabilia, etc.) may be presented as an expression of recognition of an individual’s accomplishments or achievements at the University and/or in the community, or of life events (birth, death, etc.). Expenditures for gifts given to non-employees must be properly substantiated with appropriate documentation and reported to Disbursements Processing.
  2. Gifts of cash or cash equivalents are not allowed (gift cards are not acceptable).
  3. Such gifts, if in excess of $75, must be authorized by the Division Head of the paying department. The authorization must be documented and accompany the substantiation of the expense.
  4. The value of gifts of this nature may be taxable to the recipient and reportable by the University to the recipient and to the IRS to the extent they exceed IRS thresholds

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