Summer Stipend Process

The following information relates specifically to the College of Law and is to be used as guidance specifically for College of Law employees. These guidelines are subject to change as SU Procedures and Policies change.

Please note, Advancement to provide updated gift restrictions, and available funds shift every fiscal year. A stipend for a current student, during the AY must process through Financial Aid.  Otherwise, summer stipends process on the form.

INTERNAL stipends are funds awarded under the direction of the committee.  These funds are usually restricted gift/donor funds used to supplement other funding (formerly revenue from SPIN Auction) or support students during their Public Interest Placement in the summer or as a post-grad.  These awards are not considered "employment" but rather support for students during their education.  These can be full or partial and do not necessarily follow payroll dates or terms.  These award payments are processed through the SU Disbursements Office (after department budget approval and other applicable units (e.g., sponsored/restricted accounting) via a "Stipend Payment Request" form.  

Steps for completion of the Internal Stipend Request Form:

The awarding department will complete completes the Stipend Payment request as outlined below and submit to the Budget Manager for approval and processing.

  • Use the “Stipend Payment Request” form, originally located here.
  • Check the project/program to ensure the fellowship/stipend meets any restrictions.
  • Check the project/program that there is adequate funding to cover the stipend.
  • Fill out the form with all of the necessary information.  
  • Under Stipend chartstring, put the whole chartstring
  • Under Requested by, Put name of person filling out the form
  • The authorized signer is the College of Law Budget Manager
  • Under,  If Sponsored Reason for Payment ,put the name of the Fellowship or program (internship, workshop participation, etc.)
  • For section on recipient required to perform services for stipend, it is typically no, since it is a fellowship, traineeship, internship, workshop participation, etc.
    • The stipend form should indicate the stipend is in support of expenses they will pay in order to fulfill the externship, so we said housing and living allowance and checked off that they did not need to perform work to be paid. If “services” are required then accounting will reject it and the form will be taxable and submitted to Payroll.
    • If the stipend was a true "fellowship" and the student was required to perform services then the stipend would process through the payroll system and include applicable fringe benefit and Facilities and Administrative Cost and are generally subject to payroll taxes, minimum wage policies, etc.
  • Fill in the (SUID, Last name  First name, work requirement, status, monthly amount, # of payments, payment month ) for every month the fellow is receiving a stipend
  • Add your name and contact information as person filling out the form.
  • After the College of Law Budget Manager approves, save a copy of the signed PDF   
  • Budget will email stipends to: