Sponsored Funds Guide

The following information relates specifically to the College of Law and is to be used as guidance specifically for College of Law employees. These guidelines are subject to change as SU Procedures and Policies change.
  • Principal investigator (PI) is responsible for managing the award’s technical performance and financial expenditures and adhering to applicable University and sponsor policies and procedures. The award document provided by OSP, includes the award and a synopsis of its terms and conditions for ready-reference, which will assist the PI in managing the award in accordance with sponsor’s guidelines.

 For All Principal Investigators (PI), Project Directors, and Staff Members:

  1. All staff in department that have sponsored funds must be familiar with the procedures and guidelines provided in this document so that, as a team, we maximize efficiency and the quality of our output while reducing miscommunication.
  2. Department administrative team members will complete most of the processes outlined. However, all Principal Investigators (PIs) and Project Directors (PDs) are ultimately responsible for financial management of sponsored projects, whether funded from federal or non-federal sources.
  3. From the SU Policies website, Principal Investigator/Project Director Responsibilities for Financial Management of Sponsored Projects Policy:

“The PI or PD is ultimately responsible to: (1) oversee the overall finances of his or her award; (2) ensure compliance with University and sponsored award financial management practices; (3) direct financial transactions; and (4) monitor the financial status of each sponsored project.”

        4. All expenses must be processed in a timely manner. All employee travel and expense reimbursement requests must be submitted by the end of the month following (e.g. an expense incurred in March must be submitted by April 30). All vendors engaged must submit their invoices no more often than monthly and no less often than quarterly. 

        5. All PI’s, PD’s and Staff members must ensure all activities and transactions comply with SU policies & procedures.  

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