Per Diem

The following information relates specifically to the College of Law and is to be used as guidance specifically for College of Law employees. These guidelines are subject to change as SU Procedures and Policies change.

SU Business Travelers and Employees traveling on University business are eligible for reimbursement for their personal meal expenses. Travelers may choose to submit receipts for their actual meal expenses or they may opt to use the per diem rate; you cannot combine both methods on the same trip.

 Process for Per Diem Rates:

  1. Per diem info is outlined on the University website, Please review the policy outlined in detail.
    1. For employees, the reimbursement would be submitted in myslice after the trip occurs and supporting receipts would be the from the IRS website (see below for details).
    2. For non-employees (such as guests), the reimbursement would be processed on a travel voucher or itemized invoice, along with signature from the traveler (or email attached with approval).
      1. For consultants, they should generate an invoice along with itemized receipts. The department can submit a detailed purchase requisition along with the invoice and receipts for processing.
  2. The appropriate receipt for per diem is shown in the pdf below, as an example for Meals and Incidental Expense Rates.
    1. This can be downloaded at the following website, based on travel dates and location.
    2. Also take note that the first and last day of travel must be the reduced rate listed (75%).
    3. For domestic travel, see
    4. For travel in foreign countries, see Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location on the U.S. Department of State web site,
    5. See pdf example of Meals and Incidental Expense (M&IE)Breakdown. This should be used as a supporting “receipt”.

To Confirm Per Diem Rates:

  1. Select the relevant Fiscal Year
  2. Select the relevant State
  3. Enter the City or Zip Code
  4. Click Find Rates Button
  5. Print the relevant Per Diem Rates section and submit as supporting documentation.

If processing a travel voucher for a guest, please put the per diem rate in the miscellaneous section as follows:

Note Misc. Expense Below2/1/222/2/222/3/22
Per Diem MI&E$44.25$59$44.25
Per Diem Lodging$98$98$98

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