Travel & Expense Reimbursements

For individuals employed by Syracuse University, the web based Travel & Expense reimbursement system for out of pocket spending is replacing the paper reimbursement forms. This is part of the employee suite of self-service functions within MySlice and is housed under the “Travel & Expense Center” tile on the employee home page. For non-employees, please see section Travel Voucher for Student/Guest (non-employee).

The system also automates the approval workflow.  As soon as the expense report is submitted, department approvers will receive an email notification to approve the expense report.  This automated approval process increases the efficiency and provides increased visibility to the status of each report.

Expense reports will be retained in the system, eliminating the need to keep paper copies on hand.

Training Documents


Training Video

The following information relates specifically to the College of Law and is to be used as guidance specifically for College of Law employees. These guidelines are subject to change as SU Procedures and Policies change.

Reimbursements for faculty and staff are submitted through the Travel & Expense Center in Myslice.   (Sign into MYSLICE ( and click on the Travel & Expense Center tile)

Reimbursements for travel and employee expenses should be submitted within 60 days of the expense being incurred. Active employees may assign a delegate of their choosing or submit directly. Active employees should submit their requests  following the step-by-step instructions provided in the "Entering an Expense Report" file listing in Training Documents

If you are submitting a reimbursement for Faculty please follow FRA/PDA guidelines. A travel request form should be submitted to the Associate Dean for Faculty Research to obtain Dean’s Approval. FRA balances are tracked in the Budget Office and can be requested at any time. Please allow 5 business days for review.

  • A travel reimbursement must have supporting itemized receipts as well as the approved travel request uploaded with the submission.
  • Receipts should be listed in chronological order.
  • You do not need to submit as individual receipts, it would ideal to submit as a completed packet in one pdf (just like the credit card receipts and approvals).

Per Diem

  • Included in a Travel Reimbursement.
  • See separate guideline for Per Diem Instructions.

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