Budget & Business Operations

Dineen Hall Suite 400
Syracuse, NY 13244

These pages describe the College of Law (the College) guidelines to support the  Disbursements Office. Procedures detailed herein are supplementary to those established by Syracuse University (SU) and published on the relevant University web site or other medium, including but not limited to the https://finance.syr.edu/ and https://finance.syr.edu/comptroller/disbursements/web sites. The intended audience for this document is the faculty and staff of the College. The following information relates specifically to the College of Law. These guidelines are subject to change as SU Procedures and Policies change. If any conflicting information is encountered, SU Policies take precedence.

The College of Law Budget Office will perform a pre-audit of all documentation submitted to ensure compliance with the guidance defined in these policies. Individuals that have submitted a reimbursement request and/or procurement card reconciliation with missing or incomplete documentation will be contacted immediately upon review. All efforts should be made to substantiate the expense to ensure timely reimbursement. The Disbursements Office will return any requests with incomplete/missing information or inappropriate/unallowable expenses as defined by this policy to the individual in the department who has signed as expense approver. University Internal Audit personnel routinely examine invoices, procurement card reconciliations and expenditure reimbursement request forms to monitor compliance with University Policies and regulatory agencies.

To expedite expense processing, Disbursements is requesting staff utilize electronic forms instead of the paper forms. Below are some guidelines to help employees adjust to this process.






Jennifer L. Uryniak

Assistant Dean for Finance and Administration



Maria Czaplicki

Budget Manager



Jacqueline Radell

Budget and Operations Coordinator



Abbey MaringBusiness Support Associateaamaring@syr.edu 


General Office Email – questions and expenses for processing


Contact Us

Disbursements Processing Department

640 Skytop Office Bldg.
Suite 120
Syracuse, NY 13244
Phone: (315) 443-2484