Purchase Requisitions (PR)

The following information relates specifically to the College of Law and is to be used as guidance specifically for College of Law employees. These guidelines are subject to change as SU Procedures and Policies change.

Requisitions are used to pay invoices from a vendor or make a payment to an outside agency. The requisition is a form used to process goods and service invoices, and for the College of Law the electronic template is preferred. Please see the image below of a blank requisition with numbered guidelines to indicate fields/areas that need to be completed.  

Please make sure to complete all sections numbered in the image above which includes:

  1. A unique requisition number must be added to the form (this number will replace 000000 on the form and in the file name) when submitting for a direct payment.
    1. Please reach out to lawbudget@syr.edu to have a range of PR numbers assigned for your use. Or you may use a requisition number from any hardcopy PR’s you may have in your possession.
  2. Date of Submission
  3. Chartstring – if sponsored funds should also include the project tail
    1. This can also be split into two lines, but associated amount for each line must be listed.
  4. Name of Employee Submitting the request and their extension
  5. Budget Office Approval
  6. Name and address of the Vendor (should match the invoice)
    1. This section should only include Vendor Name and Address (do not include the phone number, this can go in suggested remarks if needed)
  7. Order Date - this field should always remain blank. Do not enter a date. 
  8. Department Name and Address
  9. Total amount due
  10. Detailed Business purpose
  11. Suggested file naming convention for PRs:

Requisition 123456 Professional Reporting INV 1234 $100”  (this is the PR number, vendor name, invoice #, total invoice amount)

A completed Purchase Requisition should be submitted directly to lawbudget@syr.edu for review and approval.  The standard timeline for Budget Office processing is 5 days. The Budget Office will copy you on submission to Disbursements, and from that date it could take 7-10 business days to process.

*For guidance on merging document into one pdf, see Adobe Acrobat and Working with PDF files.

(warning)  Important Notes for submission

Based on the Chart String used the requisition will then be routed to 1of 3 areas.

Fund 11- Disbursements or Physical Plant 

Sponsored Chart String- Sponsored Accounting  (contacct@syr.edu)  

Restricted Chart String- Restricted Accounting (restricacc@syr.edu

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