Canon Copier Machines

For all College of Law machines covered under our lease please note the following:

  1. Toner for each machine is tracked through a censor. When your machine is running low, Usherwood is notified and will directly mail out what is needed for your machine. This package will be delivered to the mail room in Dineen Hall.

  2. Waste toner boxes must be ordered through Please provide the Equipment ID number found on the sticker on the front of your machine in the subject line.

    1. We suggest departments have one extra waste toner on hand at all times. The machine screen will indicate a warning when the box is almost full. Once the box is full the machine will become unusable until it’s replaced.

  3. Staples are not covered under our lease. Departments can request to order for their machine if funding is available. The expense will be invoice and paid by departments directly charging department operating funds.

  4. Department eProcurement approved staff have instructions for copier paper orders. Special paper such as cardstock, labels, colored paper, etc. should be ordered through WB Mason and charged to department budgets.

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