Reconciliation Procedure & Deadline for Law

(warning)  All Monthly Reconciliation Reports with receipts attached must be submitted by the 10th of each month so that the budget office can review and approve to meet the University deadline.

  • The Budget Office must send all approved Monthly Reconciliation Reports with original receipts to Disbursements by the 20th of each month. Submissions approved after this date are late and the cardholder will likely receive an email from Disbursements.

Reconciliation Process for LAW cardholders:

  1. Business Purpose – should be able to answer “who, what, when, where and why” for all transactions.  For example:
    1. Hotel stay for Prof. Law for 5 nights while in California for the AALS Conference from 1/3-1/9/23.
    2. Taxi for Prof. Law from airport to hotel while in California for the AALS Conference from 1/3-1/9/23.
    3. Dinner for Prof. Law and Dean Boise while in California for the AALS Conference from 1/3-1/9/23.
  2. Expense Type – please choose the category that is most relevant to the expense. If none of the types listed is appropriate, then you can choose miscellaneous but should then update the account code the one that is most appropriate.
    1. If you are unsure, please email to ask or reference the department account code listing
  3. Only the cardholder has access to reconcile and print their statement. If you want to set up a Transaction Approver please set that person up as a delegate, authorized to submit on your behalf.
  4. Please expense all transactions and submit the final monthly report for processing by the 10th of every month.
      1. For example, the report for “JPMC August 2021” should be reconciled no later than September 10th.
      2. Budget can review any questions (such as verifying chartstrings, etc.) by emailing Please do not wait until the deadline to ask questions if possible.
  5. Merge all documents as one completed pdf packet to include:
    1. Department approval for any unique chartstring must be provided.
      1. Simply attach an email from the supervisor indicating that the packet has been approved. As previously mentioned, emails should be converted to pdf and then merged with the completed packet.
    2. All required receipts must be attached in a legible and logical order.
    3. If you have paper documents, you can utilize Microsoft Lens or scan (see attached instructions) to create a PDF of the receipt to merge with the pdf.
  6. The Budget Office must send all approved Monthly Reconciliation Reports with original receipts to Disbursements by the 20th of each month. Otherwise, the statement is late and the cardholder will likely receive an email from Disbursements.

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