Contact Information, Application & FAQ

Contact the individuals listed below for information and assistance regarding:

  • Credit Card Policies and Procedures – Manager, Credit Card Program (MCCP), 315-443-1957
  • Credit Card Accounting Issues – Disbursements Processing, 315-443-1853

To request a credit card, complete the Acceptance Statement (which may be found on the Purchasing Office website) and forward to  From there, the Budget Office will complete the hierarchy section and coordinate Dean's approval.  Please note the following:

  • The form should be completed electronically, and printed for original signatures. Scan signed form as outlined above. 
  • Cardholder should leave the hierarchy section blank, this will be completed by Budget. 
  • Cardholder should complete detailed business purpose to outline the need for the card. What will the card be used for, details should be provided for specific purchases (if travel will this include airfare, hotel, meals). How many transactions per month?
  • Upon submitting the application signed by the cardholder and supervisor, cardholder should indicate the date training was completed. 
  • The cardholder will receive notification if the application is approved and sent to Purchasing for processing. 

Credit Card FAQs