Contract Agreements - Approval for Payment

Please follow the steps below in order to expedite payment to the vendors:

  1. Prior to the services being provided, the department should have the individual complete the appropriate Agreement form (consultant, performance, speaker, etc.).
  2. When the individuals sends the approved form back to you, please complete the Intake Form v. 1.1 outlining the details of the event/service.
    1. Please make sure to include the chartstring being used for the expense in the blank cell on the bottom right side of the form.

         3. Please email the Comptroller's Office at with a copy to with the following message and the two completed forms:

Dear Comptroller's Office,

Please see the attached intake form and contract/agreement for [INDIVIDUAL NAME] for review and signature.  The estimated expense of $$$ will be paid by the College of Law [fund-dept-program-account-mycode if applicable] . Please let me know if you require additional information to approve.


         4. The Comptroller will send back the approved form for your records, which indicates the the individual can proceed with the service.  

         5. Once the service is complete, the approved agreement should be included with the RPPS and individual's W9 for payment and emailed to If the W9 is to pay a corporation than an invoice should be submitted from the corporation as well.