Campus Catering & Food Services
The following information relates specifically to the College of Law and is to be used as guidance specifically for College of Law employees. These guidelines are subject to change as SU Procedures and Policies change. |
As outlined on their website Campus Catering stands ready to accommodate your needs, providing full-service catering to all University locations. Campus Catering has developed the following policies to help ensure your event is successful and memorable. Prior to making contact, we encourage you to review the Syracuse University Catering Policies. Of critical importance is the 30-day notice for all events requiring alcohol."
- or call 315.443.3605
Effective January 2025, Campus Catering launched their new online ordering system (Cater Trax). All users will need to register for an account to place or manage orders via the Cater Trax link Start Your SU Campus Catering Order. When registering for a new account, please be sure to enter yes for tax-exempt and enter the Syracuse University tax ID number.
After you set up your account, go to Account, View All Account Options to add the contact LAW BUDGET with the email to your Distribution List for Law Budget to receive event order notifications. At payment checkout, you will need to select Law Budget from your saved Distribution List after you confirm payment method for each order. |
Important things to note when placing your online Campus Catering order:
- All requests that do not include alcohol must be submitted 12 business days in advance of the event.
- It is up to the individual placing the order to manage their account which includes, printing the initial event request, reprint of event request when changes are made, and printing the final invoice.
- Campus Catering accepts chart string and credit card payments only. They no longer accept IDs as a form of payment.
- The chart string field allows for up to 34 characters. Include a dash to separate fund, department, program, and account code. If using a mycode and/or project number, omit the dashes to fit the full chart string.
- Splitting chartstrings, add note under special instructions as only one chartstring can be added at a time. This will have to be updated in the system through Catering billing.
- The system will automatically assign an event number which will be the same number for the final invoice.
- At payment checkout, select Law Budget from the CC Distribution List notification before placing the order.
- If you do not see the event was assigned to a catering sales representative or do not receive an event confirmation, contact Campus Catering immediately at 315.443.3605.
- A COL employee must place catering orders for students and external groups.
Once you enter and save your online order, follow the steps below for the internal approval process required by the College of Law:
- Complete the College of Law Campus Catering Event Approval Request form. This form replaces the University ID form previously used.
- The COL Campus Catering Event Approval Request form is needed to support the business purpose (who, what when, where and why) as well as to verify funding availability.
- See the screenshot below which shows the print icon for downloading the estimate as a pdf.
- Combine the COL Campus Catering Event Approval Request form, Campus Catering invoice, and any other supporting emails, posters, etc. to support the event into one document.
- The file should be named "Campus Catering Event ###### $" with the dollar amount being the estimated amount listed.
- Email the complete document to for budget approval.
- Budget will provide the authorized signature and return to the department that placed the order.
- If Budget requests a change to the chart string, the department is to contact their Campus Catering sales representative to correct the chart string prior to the event.
- Steps to follow once your event takes place:
- Ensure the final invoice is accurate based on the event order
- You have up to 7 days after the event to request an adjustment
- Print the invoice from Cater Trax and email to to ensure we are all on the same page and budget has a copy for reconciliation.
- Your email response should outline the final invoice was reviewed and is approved to pay.