Campus Catering & Food Services

As outlined on their website "Campus Catering stands ready to accommodate your needs, providing full-service catering to all University locations. Campus Catering has developed the following policies to help ensure your event is successful and memorable. Prior to making contact, we encourage you to review the Syracuse University Catering Policies. Of critical importance is the 30-day notice for all events requiring alcohol."

Once you receive an estimate/contract from Campus Catering and want to proceed with the order, follow these steps for the internal approval process required by the College of Law:

  1. Complete an ID and merge with a pdf of the catering contract
  2. Sign the contract as the department contact and merge with any supporting emails or posters to support the event 
    1. Do not sign as the authorized signer, this must be completed by Budget with an official authorized signer
  3. The ID is needed to support the business purpose (who, what when, where and why) as well as to verify funding availability
  4. Email the ID & contract to for budget approval
  5. Budget will provide the authorized signature and send it back to you to finalize and forward to your contact at Catering
  6. Once your event takes place, Catering will send you a final invoice
    1. Please review this invoice for accuracy, and if all is well send back to Catering with your approval and copying budget on the email
    2. This will ensure we are all on the same page, and that budget has a copy for reconciliation)

(warning) For groups looking to serve  food in Dineen Hall from an outside vendor, the contract must be approved through Campus Catering. Please review the the Food Services Catering Policy for the procedure. 

A University department or student group granted an exception to use an outside food caterer must comply with the University’s Food Sanitation Procedures and Guidelines outlining the Onondaga County Health

Department’s requirements for caterers including, but not limited to, food sanitation procedures, catering license, and menu.