Phone Dialing Instructions

Dialing Instructions

The following information is intended for faculty and staff use of the Syracuse University telephone system. General questions can be answered by calling Telecommunications at 443-4730.

Campus Calls: Dial the last 5 digits of the campus extension

Emergency: Dial "711"

Local Calls: Dial 8 + ten-digit Local Number (315 or 680 Area Code + Telephone Number)

Long Distance: Dial 8 + 1 + Area Code + Telephone Number + Authorization code

Long Distance from an administrative line other than your own: Dial *90 (get dial tone) + Authorization code (hear dial tone)+ 8 + 1 + Area code + Telephone Number

International Calls(OLD SYSTEM - Centrex): Dial 6011 + Country Code + City Code + Number + Authorization Code

International Calls(NEW SYSTEM - Centrex): Dial 8011 + Country Code + City Code + Number

Directory Assistance: Dial 8 + 1 + Area Code + 555-1212 + Authorization Code

University Operator: Dial 3-1870 or "0"

800 Numbers: Dial 9 + 1 + 800 + Telephone Number

Call forwarding instructions:

From a single line set-

Dial *72,  enter 3 and last 4 digits of ext.  For off campus ( local only  ) *72-9-315-number.

To remove forwarding, dial * 73

From a business set-, ( without picking up the handset ) press the CFU or FORWARD key.  While the triangle is flashing, enter 3 and last 4 digits of ext.  Press the key again, the triangle will stay solid.

For off campus ( local only  ) 8-315-number. 

To remove, press the CFU or FORWARD key once, the triangle will disappear.


More than voice mail, new system enables unified messaging  

SU’s CallXpress® unified messaging system is designed to provide you with convenient access to your voicemail messages whether you are at your desk or calling in over the telephone. It sets the stage at SU for unified messaging and other communication services in the future. In order to use CallXpress you will need to initialize your new voice mailbox. Initialization will take only a few minutes.

Voicemail dial-in number is 315-443-2527

AVST Quick Start Sheet

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