IST 700 - Deep Learning, NLP, and Computational Social Science

Course Description

Introduces concepts and methods in deep learning based NLP techniques, and use NLP techniques as measuring tools to answer descriptive, predictive, and hypothesis testing research questions in computational social science.




One of the following courses or equivalent: (1) IST 664 Natural Language Processing, (2) IST 718 Big Data Analytics, (3) IST 736 Text Mining. Doctoral students may seek permission from instructor. Basic NLP knowledge, prior experience in python programming, and experience in reading and writing academic papers are required.


Research-oriented Master's students and doctoral students.

Learning Objectives

After taking this course, students will be able to: 

  1. Identify research questions in computational social science;
  2. Describe basic concepts and methods in deep learning and NLP;
  3. Use the deep learning based NLP techniques to answer research questions in computational social science;
  4. Describe research result in the form of science writing.

Course Syllabus

IST 700 Spring 2021 Syllabus - Bei Yu

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