IST 359 - Intro to Data Base Mgmt Systs
Course Description
This course examines data structures, file organizations, concepts and principles of database management systems (DBMS); as well as data analysis, database design, data modeling, and database implementation. More specifically, IST 359 introduces and focuses on the relational data model; entity-relationship modeling; the Structured Query Language (SQL); data normalization; and database design. Using Microsoft's SQL server DBMS as an implementation vehicle, this course provides hands-on experience in database design and implementation through assignments, lab exercises and class exercises.
Additional Course Description
Databases are the foundation of all technology. Massively important, in our daily lives we seamlessly interact with dozens (possibly hundreds) of databases and don't even know it. Much of this class focuses on design and architecture, because understanding how data is structured will unlock a deeper and more useful understanding of how humans organize, store and retrieve information.
Professor of Record
Deborah Nosky
Undergraduate students.
Learning Objectives
After taking this course, students will be able to:
- Describe fundamental data and database concepts.
- Compare and contrast the relational database model with other database models.
- Explain and use the database development life cycle.
- Design databases using data modeling and data normalization techniques.
- Create and implement databases using popular database management system products.
- Solve problems by constructing database queries using the Structured Query Language.
- Develop insights into future data management tool and technique trends.
Course Syllabi
IST 359 Fall 2021 Syllabus - Deborah Nosky
IST 359 Fall 2021 Syllabus- Laurie Ferger
IST 359 Fall 2021 Syllabus- Mei Zhang