IST 755 - Strategic Management of Information Resources

Course Description

This class is a capstone course for the Masters of Science in Information Management. The primary objective of this course is to better understand the challenges of strategic management of information resources.

We will use texts, articles, discussions, on-line sources, and student briefings to provide foundation material on strategic management concepts, their application to information resources, and the national and global contexts in which firms operate. We also will look at several current and emerging issues that are critical to the management of information resources.



Professor of Record

Murali Venkatesh


Graduate students in the Information Management program. 

Learning Objectives

After taking this course, students will be able to: 

  1. Use your knowledge to make strategic decisions with limited information,
  2. Demonstrate critical skills for understanding and evaluating global business and technology trends,
  3. Use analytic frameworks to understand how information resources can be put to work for businesses and other organizations,
  4. Solve real problems through case studies, class exercises and individual and group projects. 
  5. Increased understanding of firm strategy, technology trends, and national and global environments, and how all of these can influence the strategic management of information resources.

Course Syllabus

IST 755 Fall 2021 Syllabus - Murali Venkatesh

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