IST 715 - LAMS: Libraries, Archives, and Museums

Course Description

A study of libraries, archives, museums, and national parks as cultural institutions; their missions and operating structures; involvement in joint ventures, both physical and electronic; panelists from and site visits to nearby venues.

Additional Course Description

The five C’s: Contact, Cooperation, Coordination, Collaboration, and Convergence. These are the five main stages developed by the American Library Association, Society of American Archivists, and American Association of Museums to establish programs that will enable the institutions to take advantage of each other’s assets. What is the rationale behind this noble goal?How realistic is this program? Are there “borders” preventing it? What are the imperatives driving it? Students will interact with specialists in the field and research the possibilities and practicalities of mutual cultural ventures.



Professor of Record

Jian Qin


Graduate students who are interested in working in cultural/memory institutions and performing functional roles in cultural heritage management and preservation, convergence of libraries, archives, and museums, and serving communities with seemless and equitable access to LAM resources.

Learning Objectives

After taking this course, the students will be able to:

  • understand the basic theories and issues of LAMS cooperation.
  • understand the application of these to preservation planning strategies for libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural institutions.
  • understand and evaluate the relevant contexts for LAMS cooperative ventures. 
  • understand the basic formats of cultural materials. 
  • evaluate needs and opportunities of museums, archives, and other cultural institutions.
  • apply research findings to cooperative projects of libraries, archives, and museums.
  • understand the role of digitization in LAMS opportunities. 
  • understand the growing importance of “born-digital” objects. 
  • apply knowledge of digital matters to cooperative program planning for libraries, archives, and museums, and other cultural institutions.

Course Syllabus

IST 715 Spring 2021 Syllabus - Jian Qin

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