Initiate a Hire/Rehire Transaction


Use this guide for detailed information on how to enter a hire/rehire transaction for:

• Student Employees
• Faculty Overload/Extra Service
• Staff Multiple Job
• Faculty - Summer


This guide is organized into these sections:

A. Gather the Required Information

B. Launch the Form

C. Fill Out the Form

D. Check the Status

A. Gather the Required Information

Before you initiate a Hire/Rehire Transaction, gather this information:
• Date of hire
• Position Identification Number (PIN)
• Compensation rate
• If this is a Faculty Overload/Extra Service, Faculty Summer, or GA Teaching Summer appointment, the end date of the position

B. Launch the Form

  1. Using the Navigator in MySlice, navigate to HR/Payroll → Workforce Administration → Smart HR Template → Smart HR Transactions

  2. Click the magnifying glass to the right of "Select Template" to choose which template you are using

  3. Select the appropriate template

    1. Click on “Look Up” to open the list of available templates
    2. FAC OVERLOAD/ES – Use this template to enter any faculty overload and extra service on contract
    3. FAC SUMMER – Use this template to enter any summer faculty appointments on contract
    4. GA RESEARCH SUMMER – Use this template to enter hourly summer GA appointments
    5. GA TEACH SUMMER – Use this template to enter summer GA appointments on contract
    6. STFMULTIJOB – Use this template to hire an existing staff member into an additional position
    7. STUHIRE/REHIRE – Use this template for any Syracuse University student hire or rehire

  4. Create the transaction by clicking on "Create Transaction"

    1. SUID - Enter the SUID of the employee that you are hiring
    2. Name - You will then see the name of the employee populate to the right of the SUID
    3. Effective Date – enter the date of hire for the employee

C. Fill out the Form

Use this section for guidance on filling out the form.

  1. All forms begin with entering the following information:

  2. Once you select continue, you will be asked to confirm the name of the employee. If correct, select continue, If incorrect, select cancel and resubmit the form.

  3. Complete the Form
    Note: You may see a slightly different version of the form, depending on the template you select. 

    1. First Name – Enter the first name of the employee associated with the SUID previously entered
    2. Last Name – Enter the last name of the employee associated with the SUID previously entered
    3. Position Number – Enter the Position Identification Number (PIN) for the position you are hiring the employee into
    4. Expected Job End Date – Enter the contract end date for the employee
    NOTE: this field only appears when entering Fac Summer/GA Teach Summer/Faculty Overload/ES
    5. Compensation Rate – Enter the compensation rate for the employee
    Note: For those on Contract, enter the total contract amount. For hourly, enter the hourly rate
    6. Comments – Enter comments as needed for transactions
    7. Save and Submit - When you have completed the form, click Submit
    8. Save For Later - To save the form and finish it later, click Save For Later

  4. If the name was typed incorrectly, you will receive the message “Transaction changes NAME of this employee. Click YES to replace, or NO to keep existing values. Select “No” to preserve the information already within PeopleSoft. Human Resources will further review this.

  5. Once the form is submitted successfully for review, you will receive a message stating “Further Processing Required.”

D. Check the Transaction Status

Use this section for guidance on checking the status of a hire/rehire that you submitted:

  1. Navigate to Main Menu → Workforce Administration → Smart HR Template → Transaction Status

  2. Checking the Transaction Status 

1. HR Review Status – Select which you would like to view:
a. All – will show all transactions that you have submitted within the selected timeframe
b. Cancelled – will show all transactions that have been cancelled and not processed
c. Pending – will show all transactions that are pending processing by HR
d. Processed – will show you all transactions that are fully processed by HR
2. Transaction Type – Select All or HIRE/REHIRE to see the transactions that you have entered
3. Transaction Status – Select which you would like to view:
a. All – will show all transactions that you have submitted
b. Hired/Added – will show all transactions have been processed and the employee has been hired
4. Start Date From: Enter the date range of the transactions you would like to see. This corresponds to the effective date of the transaction that you entered.
Note: Only the transactions that were entered with an effective date within this range will be displayed.
5. Click “Refresh” to update the table of transactions
6. The table will show you a list of all transactions that correspond to the criteria selected above