Request a Change to an Existing Staff Position


Use this guide to make changes to an existing, occupied, staff position.
Examples of when to request a change to a position:

  • The home department number is changing.
  • You want to update standard hours or, portion of the year expected to work. Note: This action will not update pay for this individual. A payrate change transaction will need to be submitted to reflect the changes made to pay based on the change in standard hours for the position.
  • You want to update title or job responsibilities but anticipate the job classification will not change.


This guide is organized into the following sections:

For information on

See this section

What you will need to complete the request

A. Gather the Required Information

How to access the form to complete the request

B. Launch the Form for the Position

General guidelines for filling out the form

C. Complete the Form

How to submit the request for approval

D. Submit the Request

How to find out if the request was approved

E. Check the Status of the Request

Who needs to approval the request and who will be notified about it

F. Preview the Approval Chain

A. Gather the Required Information

Before you request changes to an existing staff position, gather this information:
Note: Some of this information may already be in the system. If not, you will have to enter it before you can submit the request.

  • Proposed working title adjustment (if applicable)
  • Date you want the change to become effective
  • Who the person will report to
  • Department the person will report to
  • Location where the person will work
  • Hours per week the person will work
  • Portion of the year the person is expected to work:
    • Academic year
    • Calendar year
    • Other
  • Work schedule for the position
  • If this is a change in responsibilities:
    • Description summarizing the position
    • List of 5-7 responsibilities for the position and the percent of time spent on each of those responsibilities
    • List of qualifications for the position
    • List of special qualification for the position
    • Level of problem solving required in the position:
      • Clearly defined by policy
      • Generally operational
      • Research / fact gathering
      • Conceptual / abstract
    • Level of management oversight the position receives:
      • Specific instructions
      • Moderate to limited supervision
      • General direction
      • Broad guidance
    • Percent of travel involved and the nature of the travel
  • Description of the financial implications and funding source

B. Launch the Form for the Position

  1. Log into MySlice and navigate to your Manager Self Service or Departmental Administrator homepage.
  2. Click the Position Evaluation Request tile.
  3. In the banner at the top of the page, choose Add New PER and then from the drop down menu select Existing Staff.

C. Complete the Form

Keep these points in mind as you complete the form:

  • Pick a response from a look-ahead menu: As you start a typing PIN, department number, or combination code, pick the response from the list that opens as you type.
    Tear-out of a Look-ahead menu for PINs
  • Look up a PIN or department number: If you don't know the PIN or department number for a question, use the magnifying glass button to look it up:

A. Click the magnifying glass button.

B. Click the arrow next to Search Criteria to show the search criteria boxes.

C. In one of the criteria boxes, type part or all of what you want to search for.

D. Click Search.
Lookup dialog box with callouts and search results
E. In the Search Results section, click the item you want.

  • Limit a position title to 30 characters: If you are changing the position title, keep it no more than 30 characters. The software will accept a longer title, but request will experience errors and delays as it moves through the approval process.
    Tear-out of Position Title question with highlight on the box where you enter the title

    Note: A future version of the software will limit the number of characters you can enter to 30.

  • Use the arrow button to keep an existing response: Some responses may already be filled in based on one of your previous responses. To use that response and continue to the next item, click the arrow button.
    Example item that is already filled-in and a highlight on the arrow button to continue to the next item

  • Use Enter and Tab for large text boxes: For large text boxes that let you enter multiple lines of text, use the Enter and Tab keys this way:
    • To start a new line of text within the box, press the Enter key.
    • To go to the next question, press the Tab key.
      Tear-out of the Position Summary question

  • Enter the job responsibilities: To enter the responsibilities for the position:

Dialog box to enter the responsibilities with numbered callouts

A. Click Responsibilities.

B. In the Responsibilities column, enter a responsibility.

C. In the % of Time column, enter the percent of time the person does the responsibility.

D. To add more responsibilities, click the plus button. 

E. When the percentage entered totals 100%, click Done.

NOTE: Previously approved positions that have been submitted with responsibilities will pre-populate and you can edit the percentage, text, ordering and number of responsibilities

  • Change a response: To change a response you've already made, turn on Change mode:

A. Click the Change Response switch to show On.
Tear-out of two responses with numbered call-outs to the Change Response switch and the unlock buttons

B. Click the unlock button for the response you want to change and then make the change.

  • Save and finish later: If you find that you don't have all the information you need to complete a form, save it and return to it later. Click Save.

  • Take note of the transaction ID in the upper right corner of the form. You will use this ID to find the form later on. Top and bottom sections of Position Evaluation Request form with numbered callouts to the Save button, the transaction ID, and the navigation buttons

  • To get back to your home page, use either of these options:
    • To step backward through the previous pages, click the black buttons in the upper left of the page.
    • To go directly to your home page, click the Home icon in the upper right of the page.

  • When you are ready to finish the form, go back into your Position Evaluation Request tile and look for the transaction ID in the list of open requests.

  • Cancel the request: If you want to cancel the entire request, click the Cancel button.
    Top and bottom sections of Position Evaluation Request form with highlight on the Cancel button

D. Submit the Request

When you get to the Submit for Approval button, you have completed the form. To submit it for approval:

  1. Click Submit for Approval.
    Bottom of the PER form with a numbered callout to the Submit for Approval button

    Result: You successfully submitted the position request if you receive the confirmation check mark.

  2. Note the transaction ID for the request so you can easily find it later.
  3. Note the next approver.
  4. Click OK.

E. Check the Status of the Request

To check the status of the request:

  1. From your Manager Self Service or Departmental Administrator home page, click the Position Evaluation Request tile.
  2. On the PER Search / Add page, uncheck the Open Requests Only check box.
  3. Find the request by its transaction ID.
  4. Look for a status of Approved in the Status column. 

    Note: To see the approval chain, click the request, scroll to the bottom of the page, and then click Approval Path.

F. Preview the Approval Chain

A request to change an existing, occupied, staff position includes these approvals:

Accessible Downloads

Request Change to Existing Staff.pdf 
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