Maintain Shift Schedule

Maintain the Shift Schedule for a Union Employee


To make sure the shift schedule of a union employee matches the actual shift they work so that their pay is accurate


Do this task anytime a union employee changes the shift they work on.
Example: Suppose a union employee changes from first shift to second shift. In that case, use this procedure to update their shift schedule.


  1. Log into your MySlice home page. 
    MySlice home page with box around Human Resources and Payroll Services link

  2. Click Human Resources and Payroll Services.
  3. Make sure you are at the Departmental Administrator home page.
    Departmental Administrator home page with menu to choose home pages highlighted

  4. Click the Time and Labor WorkCenter tile. 
    Time and Labor WorkCenter tile highlighted on Departmental Administrator home page

  5. Click Assign Work Schedule on the left of the page.
  6. Enter the SUID or name of the person. 
    Search criteria for the Assign Work Schedule page with numbered callouts to the Last Name field, the Search button, and the Search Results

  7. Click Search.

  8. In the Search Results list, click the person's name.

  9. Click the plus sign [+] to the far right of the most recent schedule. This should be the top-most row.Current schedule for an employee with the plus sign to add a row highlighted with a callout

    Result: A new row is added with today’s date as the effective date.

  10. Choose the new schedule:
    1. In the row that was just added, click magnifying glass in the Schedule ID column. 
      Result: A list of possible schedules opens. 
      Important: If the employee needs a schedule that isn't on the list, contact the payroll department to have it added to the list.
    2. Look for the schedule that has the correct combination of hours, shift, and last day off (LDO).
    3. Click the new schedule. 
      New schedule with callouts to the Look Up  Schedule button and the calendar button for the Effective Date

  11. Do you want the new schedule to start today or in the future?

    • Today: Leave the Effective Date set to today’s date.
    • Future: Click the calendar button and choose the date the schedule starts.
  12. Click Save.

Check your work

You have successfully updated the employee's schedule if:

  • There is a new schedule that has the correct effective date and description.

Click the Main tab in the upper left of the page to return to your starting point in the Time and Labor WorkCenter.

Accessible Downloads

Maintain Shift Schedule.pdf
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