Adds/Drops and Inquiries About Students
At the beginning of the semester, you should pull up a class roster on myslice and call the roll in your class. If students are present, but not on the list, ask to see the copy of their updated schedule. If there is a problem, suggest to the students that they check myslice to see where they’re registered.
The University add period is approximately the first week of the semester. During this add period students should be making any adjustments to their schedule on Myslice. It is the student's responsibility to catch up with the work that s/he has missed if s/he adds a section after the first day of classes.
If students come to you for a signature on an Add form, please do not sign it. An Add form is only necessary if the student is trying to Late Add, and we discourage Late Adding. If the Late Add is approved through the academic coordinator, she signs for the instructor and department chair. Do not let students sit in on your class when they are not enrolled in your section; you might end up with an over-enrolled section (more than 20 students). The academic coordinator sometimes keeps waiting lists, so unenrolled students should see her.
If students come to you for a signature on a Drop form, please sign in the instructor space and send the student to the academic coordinator for further signatures.
After the add deadline you should pull a new class roster from myslice. There should not be anyone in your class who is not on your list. If there is, please contact the academic coordinator to discuss what is to happen next.
Inquiries About Students:
Occasionally, instructors are asked for information about students' attendance or grades. On the advice of the associate registrar for student records, we have decided to institute the following policy:
- If the request comes from another academic unit on campus (e.g., supportive services, academic advising, athletic advising), instructors in the Program will release information about students' grades, progress, and attendance.
- If the request comes from someone else (e.g., parent, other faculty, Parents Office), instructors in the Program will not discuss grades or other private information that would infringe on the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1984 without written permission from the student. Refer such a request to the academic coordinator and/or a director, who can help you explain the policy.