Review and Promotion of Teaching Professors*
(approved September 2020)
According to the Faculty Manual, appointments of Assistant Teaching Professors are for periods of not more than three years and are renewable. Appointments of Associate and Full Teaching Professors are for periods of no more than five years and are renewable. The review/renewal process and the promotion process are separate processes. The renewal of contracts is not linked to promotion decisions, nor are teaching professors required to seek promotion.
Each year Teaching Professors at all ranks will submit a c.v. update form, c.v., and supporting materials, including syllabi and major assignments and copies of any publications and presentations from the calendar year. The due date for these materials will be in early January.
Assistant Teaching Professor Review
Assistant Teaching Professors shall be evaluated annually by a review committee. They are reviewed based on teaching and pedagogical excellence and service to the department, college, or university.
Each Assistant Teaching Professor will have a classroom observation by one faculty member and/or departmental administrator at least once during each contract period.
The department Chair will convene a review committee to review c.v. updates and materials.
The department will supply teaching evaluations and classroom observation reports, which will also be considered as part of the evaluation process.
The review committee will typically consist of the department Chair, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and three Assistant Teaching Professors. At least one member of the committee must be a tenured faculty member. The committee will review and score materials on a 100-point scale. The department chair will consolidate the rankings, which will be kept confidential. These rankings will provide the basis for merit recommendations for the coming year.
The department chair will draw from this process in completing the Report and Recommendation (R&R) form. The department chair will meet with each faculty member to review the R&R form, focusing on particular areas of strength and areas that need improvement.
Contract renewals and promotions will be determined following university guidelines.
Teaching Faculty Promotion
Assistant and Associate Teaching Professors typically may request promotion after at least five years of service in rank and continuous teaching. The promotion review is initiated by the teaching professor, in consultation with their department Chair, and must be requested by June 1 and initiated in the fall semester. Materials are due November 1. See letter from College of Arts and Sciences with more detailed instructions.
When the faculty member indicates that they are seeking promotion, the Chair reviews with the candidate the materials necessary for promotion and the procedures for constituting the committee. The Chair composes the committee, holds a meeting of the voting faculty members, and conveys the vote to the candidate.
The promotion review committee will be appointed by the Chair and shall consist of three people at a higher rank: at least one tenured faculty member and at least one teaching professor (associate or full, when available). The committee will focus primarily on teaching and service to the department, college, university or the profession, with significant weight given to mentoring of students and/or teachers. When applicable, it will focus on scholarship. However, scholarship is not a requirement for promotion.
The committee is responsible for soliciting faculty and student oral and written testimonials, reviewing classroom observations, and reviewing the candidate’s promotion materials. Based on a thorough review of all materials, the committee prepares a written report and a recommendation on promotion, which will be voted on by all faculty at a higher rank.
The recommendations of voting members and the Chair will be transmitted to the Dean’s office, who makes the final decision on promotion. Promotion is neither necessary nor sufficient for contract renewal.
*All information subject to change in future years, as the department continues to align its processes with the College’s and University’s policies for promotion. See the College of Arts and Sciences Policy for Promoting Teaching Professors for more information.