Making an Appointment in WCOnline

Note: You can only make an appointment for a student who already has a WCOnline account; if the student does not yet have an account, take them to and walk them through the process.

1. Point your browser to

Tip: control-click/right click to open in a new window/tab

2. Log in using these credentials:

Tip: Double click images to the right to enlarge

3. You will see “Face-to-Face (Fall 2023)”; if you do not see the calendar, click “Area Tools” (upper right) and select “View Calendar Display”

4. The weekly schedule for the Writing Center will display. Scroll to the consultant, day, and time with whom you want to make an appointment. Click on the available (white) time slot.

5.  Information for that 30 minute slot is displayed. Note that WCOnline assumes that you are (a) making and appointment for yourself and (b) making a 30 minute appointment.

6. In the Client area, start to type the student's NetID or Last Name; after a few letters, you will see a list of options, Select the correct student.  

If you are making a 30 minute appointment, scroll to the bottom and click Create Appointment

If you are making a 60 minute appointment, change the end time, and then scroll to the bottom and click Create Appointment

Questions? Email


WCOnline Instructions

Making an Appointment in WCOnline

Blacking Out Hours in the WCOnline Schedule

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