Writing Center Information

Writing Center Services
Face-to-face sessions: Appointments are available in a somewhat limited capacity; the Center will be set up to accommodate social distancing, and there will be a limit of five appointments during any time slot.

Synchronous Online Sessions: Students chat one-to-one online with a writing consultant using our scheduling software,WCOnline. Appointments can be made by choosing the appropriate schedule from the available schedules. These appointments can be booked up to the time that an appointment is scheduled to start.  

Asynchronous Online Sessions: Students submit a draft via their appointment, and a consultant responds before the conclusion of a given appointment. Asynchronous appointments can be made up to four hours before an appointment is scheduled to begin and are limited to 30 minutes each. 

WRT 120/220/320: WRT 120/220/320 are one-credit independent studies in writing.  In each course, students are required to work one-on-one with a professional Writing Center consultant for a minimum of twelve (12) hours during a semester.  Successful completion of each course results in a pass grade. No Incompletes are given for this course. None of these courses can be substituted for a writing requirement.  Each may be repeated for credit. Each semester there will be a cap on the number of available independent studies.

Enrollment is by permission only and is usually offered to students for whom the extra support will make a significant difference in their growth as writers. WRT 120 Syllabus.

FAQ: The Writing Center (Fall 2023)