Annual Evaluation Protocol for Professional Writing Instructors


Professional Writing Instructor Responsibilities for Evaluation

Submit fall and spring teaching materials by Friday, May 31, 2024:

In the final year of the appointment and in addition to spring teaching materials, submit the following by Friday, May 31, 2024

    • updated CV
    • response to classroom observation (optional)

Department Responsibilities for PWI Evaluation

Overseeing the process of evaluating undergraduate teaching and awarding merit in the Department of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition is the responsibility of the Director and the Assistant Director for Professional Development.. 

The teaching of Professional Writing Instructors (PWI) will be reviewed annually at the end of each academic year.

    • This evaluation will be conducted based on materials from the academic year: syllabi and assignment sheets; the Reflective Self-Assessment for Professional Writing Instructors; end-of-semester course evaluations; and classroom observation (in the academic year completed). 
    • This is the evaluation that will determine Overall Performance Appraisal as indicated on the Part-time Faculty Performance Evaluation Form.
    • The outcome of this review is reported on the Part-time Faculty Performance Evaluation Form, which PWIs receive early in the spring semester. 

The teaching of Professional Writing Instructors (PWI) will be reviewed at the end of the academic year of the final year of the PWI’s appointment for appointment renewal purposes.

    • This evaluation will be conducted based on a cumulative review of prior annual reviews from within the appointment period, a review of materials submitted for the final spring semester of the appointment period, and one classroom observation conducted during the appointment period. 
    • This is the evaluation that will determine the length of appointment renewal, any terms of remediation for the coming year, or decision of non-renewal. 
    • The outcome of this review is reported in an appointment renewal offer, remediation letter, or non-renewal letter, which PWIs receive in summer.

Evaluation Process

The evaluation process is based on these four elements*:

    1. Syllabi and Assignment Sheets 
    2. End-of-Semester Course Evaluations
    3. Reflective Self-Assessment for Professional Writing Instructors
    4. Classroom Observation (one per contract period)

1. Syllabi and Assignment Sheets 

PWIs will submit an electronic file containing syllabi and assignment sheets for both the fall and spring semesters by the annual due date noted at the top of this page. Materials should be grouped by semester and course.

2. Course/Teacher Evaluations

Students are asked to complete and submit course evaluation forms for all undergraduate courses. Typically, course evaluations are screened to identify areas of strength and weakness each semester by a designee of the Director of Undergraduate Studies. Persistent or chronic problems are documented, and the teacher is informed. The documentation for the entire contract period will be considered in the teacher's cumulative evaluation in the final year of the contract period. 

3. Reflective Self-Assessment for Professional Writing Instructors

PWIs will complete the Reflective Self-Assessment for Professional Writing Instructors form annually and include it in their electronic submission at the end of the academic year.

4. Classroom Observation

The classroom observation may be conducted at any time during the contract period but must be completed by April 1 of the final spring semester of the contract period. The observations can be done by administrative staff member with teaching responsibilities or by a senior full-time faculty member whom the Director has asked to serve as an evaluator that year.

All observations will be documented using a Classroom Observation Form [PDF | DOC]. Please note that question #5 on the Observation Form asks for a holistic assessment of the class session, rather than a cumulative tally of the scores in the four previous questions. Classroom Observation Forms will be submitted to the teacher and added to her collection of teaching materials within 7 days of the observation and will be kept on file for the cumulative evaluation in the final year of the contract period. Teachers may respond in writing to the filed observation.

Evaluation Results

Evaluation results are reported on the "Part-time Faculty Performance Evaluation Form." [PDF]

Last modified: March 7, 2023