Workflow - Declaration of Major
Students will declare their majors in OnBase and this form will be directed to the Physics Department for faculty advisor assignment and approval.
- In the bottom left corner of your screen, click on the box.
- Then click on “Hyland” and choose “OnBase Production-Unity Client-V18.”
- Once uploaded, the OnBase front page will appear. Enter the following information and hit Login:
- Service Location: Hit the drop-down arrow and choose OnBase Production
- Next line: AD
- Username:
- Password:
- Hit “Workflow” at the top right side of the page.
- Click on the top entry that appears on the screen.
- As you review the student’s information, be sure to record it on your own Declaration of Major form for your records. You want the student’s name, SUID#, email address, the major they are declaring, the date they are declaring and the date you are approving it. The Declaration of Major form can be found at – student forms.
- Before assigning the student an advisor, obtain a copy of their unofficial transcript and their transfer credit summary.
- Once reviewed, assign the student an advisor and record it on the Declaration of Major form.
- Now, go to the bottom of the page. Under “Department Approval – New,” go to the “Department Approval – New Major” box and click on “Approved.” Next, enter the name of the faculty advisor in the “Faculty Major Advisor Name” box and their SUID# in the “Faculty Major Emplid” box.
- Next hit the box marked “Please check here when Approval is complete.”
- Then hit “SAVE.”
- Once the declaration has processed, hit on “Move to Advisor” located at the top of the page.
- After it is done executing, move on to the next name on the list.
- For your files, each student’s folder should contain a completed Declaration of Major form, the student’s unofficial transcript, and their transfer credit summary. You will also need to complete a major checklist for the student as well when you have time.
- Add student to listserv.
, multiple selections available,
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