Workflow - Declaration of Major


Students will declare their majors in OnBase and this form will be directed to the Physics Department for faculty advisor assignment and approval. 


  1. In the bottom left corner of your screen, click on the box.
  2. Then click on “Hyland” and choose “OnBase Production-Unity Client-V18.”
  3. Once uploaded, the OnBase front page will appear. Enter the following information and hit Login:
    1. Service Location: Hit the drop-down arrow and choose OnBase Production
    2. Next line: AD
    3. Username:
    4. Password:
  4. Hit “Workflow” at the top right side of the page.
  5. Click on the top entry that appears on the screen.
  6. As you review the student’s information, be sure to record it on your own Declaration of Major form for your records. You want the student’s name, SUID#, email address, the major they are declaring, the date they are declaring and the date you are approving it. The Declaration of Major form can be found at – student forms.
  7. Before assigning the student an advisor, obtain a copy of their unofficial transcript and their transfer credit summary. 
  8. Once reviewed, assign the student an advisor and record it on the Declaration of Major form.
  9. Now, go to the bottom of the page. Under “Department Approval – New,” go to the “Department Approval – New Major” box and click on “Approved.” Next, enter the name of the faculty advisor in the “Faculty Major Advisor Name” box and their SUID# in the “Faculty Major Emplid” box.
  10. Next hit the box marked “Please check here when Approval is complete.”
  11. Then hit “SAVE.”
  12. Once the declaration has processed, hit on “Move to Advisor” located at the top of the page.
  13. After it is done executing, move on to the next name on the list.
  14. For your files, each student’s folder should contain a completed Declaration of Major form, the student’s unofficial transcript, and their transfer credit summary. You will also need to complete a major checklist for the student as well when you have time.
  15. Add student to listserv.

Instructions with screenshots

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