Declaring a History Major or Minor
You can find a link to the History Major Undergraduate Requirements and Course Catalog here.
Declaring a History Major
Now that you’ve decided to major in History, please follow these steps to declare officially:
Complete the Declaration of Major form electronically, or print, complete, and scan a copy of the form to Professor Diem via email at
Professor Diem's Office Hours: TBA
Office: 145 Eggers Hall
Phone: 315-443-5868
Before your meeting with Professor Diem, review the requirements for the major.
When corresponding with Professor Schmeller via email and Zoom, please be sure to have the following information available:
1) The Declaration of Major form, filling it out as fully you can.
2) A list of the History courses you’ve completed, including results of AP courses taken.
3) Any questions or concerns you have as a result of reviewing the requirements.
After meeting with Professor Diem, the completed, signed Declaration of Major form should be submitted via email to Professor Diem and Christina Cleason, Office Coordinator, for final processing. The form will then be emailed to your home college advisor on your behalf for final approval and posting.
If your home college is Arts and Sciences: Once you are on-board as an official major, you will be assigned a History advisor according to the first letter of your last name. You will need to make an advising appointment with this person each semester in order to check your progress toward completing the major and to choose classes for the following semester. The assigned History advisor will be the person to remove your advising hold so that you can register.
Declaring a History Minor
You can find a link to the History Minor Undergraduate Requirements and Course Catalog here.
Students interested in declaring History as a minor should follow the same sequence of steps, but instead use the Declaration of Minor form. Please send the completed form via email to Professor Diem and Christina Cleason. The form will be submitted to your home college advisor on your behalf. Since minors are not assigned an advisor through History, any future questions should be directed to Professor Diem at