Steps to Graduation
MILESTONES – Qualifying Exam I
officially attained by passing the Qualifying Exam
MILESTONES – Qualifying Exam II
officially attained by passing the Research Oral Examination
officially attained the status of ABD by virtue of having completed the following departmental requirements:
Passed required 48 Credits of coursework (including Dissertation Credits)
Passed the qualifying examinations for the PhD in Physics
Passed the Departmental Oral Exam for the PhD in Physics
Dissertation Defense Checklist -
Request for Exam form -
Physics Web page
Preparing Your Thesis/Dissertation
Electronic Thesis Submittal Checklist –
Format Guidelines Please be sure to follow the format guidelines.
Advisor Signed Title Page - The original, signed document is submitted as a PDF to
Unsigned Title Page - The unsigned title page is submitted electronically with your Thesis
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