Graduate Award Process

Graduate Awards and Sponsored Accounting have worked together to determine efficiencies in processing paperwork for sponsored assistantships. Going forward, a department should only use the attached Sponsored Tuition Form if the award includes a tuition chartstring with a project tail AND >0 credit hours.

If you are paying for a student’s wages with a sponsored award but there are no tuition charges or the tuition charges are not being charged to a chartstring with a project tail you do NOT need to send to sponsored accounting for pre-approval. In these cases, please use the standard TA_RA recommendation form (Department Funded, see attached).

We will be rolling out a change to that department form and I will be reaching out to individuals and departments to review the new (hopefully much more efficient) process for the 2022-2023 award year. Stay tuned.

Also, if you are only changing the chartstring that the PIN is being charged to, this happens via the chartstring change form. It is not necessary to send type of change to Graduate Awards for processing.  

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