Poll Everywhere
SU has a site-wide license for Poll Everywhere, which is an audience response system. It can be used in classes as an alternative to Socrative, Kahoot!, and the TurningPoint/PointSolutions clicker response system.
- Poll Everywhere doesn’t use a clicker—you can use phones, SMS, etc.
- You can have up to 2000 responders to a poll.
- It integrates with Blackboard but can also be used separately.
- https://polleverywhere.syr.edu or through https://polleverywhere.com (click Login, enter your syr email, and it should prompt for your SU NetID credentials)
- The first time you login using your syr.edu, it will create an account for you.
ITS Poll Everywhere Answers page
- Getting Started documentation covering all aspects of PE.
Please let us know at archit@syr.edu if you have questions.