School of Architecture - Policies and Rules Handbook


Michael Speaks
Dean and Professor

Kyle Miller
Associate Dean and Associate Professor

Daekwon Park
Undergraduate Program Chair and Associate Professor

Julie Larsen
Graduate Program Chair and Associate Professor



This handbook contains policies and rules for students in the Syracuse University School of Architecture.

Other University publications such as Academic Rules (undergraduate and graduate); Tuition, Fees and Related Policies bulletin; and the Syracuse University Student Handbook are also available online. You are encouraged to become familiar with their contents.

Students can find resources to help stay academically, emotionally, and financially fit, browse events, link to resources, connect with friends, and get involved at



Slocum Hall Hours

The building is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Beyond those hours, students can access the building via card swipe.  Hours of access to facilities within the building are posted on the entrances of the King + King Architecture Library, computer facilities, laser cutting room, and wood shop. Facilities are closed to non-architecture students and faculty outside of business hours. Anyone not associated with the School of Architecture should be accompanied at all times.

Building Security

Slocum Hall is intended for the use of School of Architecture students, faculty, and staff only. For safety reasons, all doors must remain closed and locked after hours and personal belongings must be secured when not in use. Security cameras have been installed in stairwells and at all entry doors to aid in deterrence. Please report suspicious activity to the Department of Public Safety at 315-443-2224, #78 (#SU) from your cell phone or by dialing 711 from a campus landline. Please note that removal of any University property from the building is considered theft and will be reported to the Department of Public Safety as well as to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Campus Posting Policy

The Campus Posting Policy is designed to foster the exchange of information and ideas within the University community, aligning with Syracuse University’s commitment to academic freedom and freedom of expression, as set forth in the Syracuse University Statement on Free Expression and Free Inquiry.

Posting and chalking privileges are reserved exclusively for Syracuse University students, faculty, and staff through academic or administrative departments, or Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs).

Posted information requires approval from Slocum Hall building manager, Laurie Maddaloni. To gain permission, please email Laurie content to be posted as well as the duration and location for posting no fewer than three days before posting.  Remove your posters at the conclusion of the event.


Every design student is assigned a workspace with provision for locking drawers or locked storage units. Students are responsible for proper maintenance of their workspace and the prompt reporting of any problems or damage. Workspaces must not be damaged through cutting or other model-making activities; each studio will have a designated cutting surface for model building and students should own a cutting mat. Desk repair request forms are available in the Dean’s Suite (204 Slocum); see Laurie Maddaloni.

Independent partitions in the studio, built by students, are not permitted under any circumstances and are subject to removal. For fire safety reasons, all aisles, passageways, and exits must be kept clear of obstructions.

Sound Equipment
In consideration of other students, audio of any kind may only be played into personal headphones or earbuds. This rule applies 24 hours a day.

Use of Electrical Devices
The use of multiple electrical devices requires the use of a surge protector. All surge protectors must be grounded (3-prongs). For safety reasons, the use of extension cords is prohibited. Violations of these practices create serious fire hazards and are subject to appropriate judicial procedures.

Studio Cleaning and Recycling

During the semester, custodians remove all items from studios that are either in a trash receptacle or on the floor, and they adhere to these instructions strictly. Anything left on the floor will be discarded. Trash accumulated on top of desks and under desks will not be removed. Please deposit trash in the designated receptacles to avoid fire hazards, increase work space, and maintain an orderly environment.

Recyclables (glass, cans, plastic, and paper) should be placed in the appropriate containers, which can be found throughout the building. Used cutting blades, batteries, and aerosol cans should be deposited in the white discard containers located within each studio. Do not dispose of blades in the regular trash as they are hazardous to the custodial staff.

At the end of each semester, students must remove all supplies and other belongings from Slocum Hall as directed by the building coordinator so that studios can be cleaned and maintained. Any items left behind will be discarded. The School will store studio chairs over the winter holiday and over summer break, free of charge.


For minor cuts and injuries, first aid kits and medical supplies are available in all studios, faculty suites on the third floor, the wood shop and in the main office. For more serious injuries or if you are in need of medical transportation, please call 911 or the Department of Public Safety at 315-443-2224, #78 (#SU) from your cell phone or by dialing 711 from a campus landline. The Student Health Services Center, 111 Waverly Avenue (315-443-2666) is available during the day and some evenings. It is closed on Sundays. For off-hour medical needs, several other medical facilities are available in the university area, including Crouse Prompt Care (Irving Ave and Waverly Ave), Crouse Hospital and University Hospital.

Syracuse University students are encouraged to download Orange Safe, a free mobile app where users can stay connected and receive important campus notifications, communicate with campus safety, and gain access to resources needed most.

Hazardous Materials
Slocum Hall is equipped with a ventilated spray booth which is accessible 24 hours a day next to the wood shop on the ground floor. All spraying must be done in the spray booth to avoid damage to property and serious risks to health. Spray painting and use of spray adhesives in other areas inside or outside Slocum Hall (especially the back loading dock and back stairwells) is strictly forbidden. Flammable materials should be kept in the fire closets also found in the Slocum wood shop. Use of these materials outside of the designated area can be extremely dangerous to everyone in Slocum Hall. Any violations are subject to appropriate University disciplinary action.

Use of the following hazardous waste materials in Slocum Hall is RESTRICTED to the spray booth:

  • solvents and flammables: mineral spirits, acetone, and turpentine
  • art chemicals: oil-based paint, brush cleaner, pigments, glue, epoxies, and resins
  • oil-based products: varnish, urethane, stain, surface coatings and adhesives
  • aerosol cylinders or pressurized containers of adhesives
  • two-part epoxy resin (sold at Slocum Hall bookstore) only

In Case of Theft

Report thefts to the Department of Public Safety desk located in Sims Hall. The University is not insured against loss of student personal property. Do not leave valuable items (including books) unsecured in the studios; desks and lockers should be locked when unattended. There is no secure storage available between semesters or academic years; personal belongings left in the building during the mid-year break or during the summer cannot be presumed to be safe.

Removal of any University property from the building is considered theft and will be reported to the Department of Public Safety as well as to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.


Computing Resources for Students

An extensive set of guides for using computing resources in the school is available, covering printing, networking, computer labs, etc. 

Computer Lab Policies

The School of Architecture offers 24-hour access to two computer labs in 004 Slocum and 014 Slocum, as well as a 12-seat remote lab.

  • All users of the computer labs are required to attend a computing orientation session prior to receiving access. Details for obtaining access can be found at
  • Physical model building of any type is prohibited in the computer labs. The tables and floors in the labs are not to be used for cutting or scoring. Painting, pasting, drafting and gluing must be done in the designated studio and model shop areas in Slocum Hall and not in the computer labs.
  • Food and drink are forbidden in the computer labs and plot room at all times. Anyone seen with food or drink in these spaces may have their computer account and access to lab computers, plotting and digital fabrication disabled for a minimum of two days.
  • Unauthorized reconfiguration of hardware or software on the lab computers is not permitted.
  • Display or printing of graphic materials that might contribute to an atmosphere of sexual or other forms of social and/or cultural harassment or intimidation is forbidden.
  • Vandalizing or removing any of the computer equipment will result in loss of lab access.
  • Unauthorized use of someone else’s account to login or loaning one’s account to others is not allowed.
  • Remaining logged in to a lab computer while not present is not permitted; unattended computers are automatically logged off after approximately 30 minutes, and unsaved work may be lost.

Plotting Policies

  • The plot room in 013 Slocum is open only when a plot monitor is on duty in the room. Accessing the plot room when it is closed is prohibited.
  • Plot supplies are handled only by designated monitors.
  • Fees are charged for all printing and plotting on school-owned devices. See for the most up-to-date plotting fee structure and procedures.
  • Only architecture course-related items may be printed on the printers and plotters.
  • Your account will be suspended if you change the priority of your print jobs to jump ahead of others on the print queue.

Studio Computer Use
Students may bring their own computers and use them at their studio workspace (laptops are strongly preferred, and wireless capability is required).

School-Wide Computer Practices & Recommendations

The School does not distribute or support unlicensed copies of software. Pirated software and cracks may contain malware that can affect the performance of a computer, as well as steal personal information or attempt to infect other machines on the network. Students must keep the original sales receipt of software purchased for their own computer if it is to be connected to the school network. Instructors of course work that use computing media may require students to provide a copy of the purchase receipt(s) for relevant software programs. This requirement is necessary for the School to avoid licensing violations and comply with software copyright laws. Copyright law forbids the copying or 'borrowing' of software programs owned or licensed by the School on lab or other school computers. Any student found copying, attempting to copy or in possession of illegally copied software may face disciplinary action by the School and University, including criminal prosecution.

The School of Architecture assumes no responsibility for theft or damage of equipment left unattended in studios or computer labs. Students must secure their machines by using lockers or other lockable methods. Students who wish to have insurance should seek personal policies or check for coverage under existing policies. Students are reminded, as with all studio security, to take collective responsibility for excluding people who don’t belong in the studio. All problems should be reported to staff in 201 Slocum and/or the Department of Public Safety at 315-443-2224, #78 (#SU) from your cell phone or by dialing 711 from a campus landline.

These regulations are subject to change as the School’s computing environment and practices evolve. Refer to the latest Computer Lab Policies/Acceptable Use Policy and Practices: Students engaged in one or more prohibited computing practices may have their accounts suspended, removed and/or face disciplinary action through the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.


The Slocum Hall Fabrication Lab comprises four rooms located on the west end ground floor (006, 008, 011 and 012 Slocum Hall). A second fabrication lab in Smith Hall occupies two rooms on the north end basement (005 and 006 Smith Hall).

After safety orientations and training, students may use the shop to complete assignments that involve physical and digital fabrication.

The shops are specifically intended for School of Architecture students’ school-related projects and can accommodate work ranging from small-scale models to full-scale working prototypes. The shops are staffed by three full-time technicians during the day and a part-time technician and qualified student monitors during the evening and/or weekend hours. For more information about use of the shop facilities, students should refer to the wood shop training and safety protocols posted on the School’s website and on Answers.

A two-hour woodshop orientation session is required for all students. After completing this session, students are free to use the facility and receive training as needed. Fabrication lab staff technicians are responsible for training and authorization on lab equipment. Students must abide by the shop rules and seek training from the staff before attempting to use unfamiliar tools and equipment. Failure to do so could result in injury, machine damage or restricted use of the shop.

A secondary digital facilities orientation session arranged by faculty is also available.

The fabrication labs are open only when a qualified monitor is on duty. Any student using the labs without a monitor on duty, using the machines and tools in an unsafe manner, and/or leaving the space in disarray or vandalized will lose lab privileges and/or face disciplinary action through the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Laser Cutters
The School maintains six laser cutters located in 011 Slocum and 005 Smith Hall. These are sophisticated digital fabrication instruments that are available to architecture students and faculty on a scheduled basis through a strict set of operating protocols. The laser cutter protocols and list of acceptable materials can be found at There is no cost to use the laser cutters, but students must supply their own material.

3D Printers
The School’s 3D printers in 012 Slocum and 005 Smith are available for use by architecture students and faculty on a first-come, first-served basis. There is a fee required to use the printers. Students can submit files to a queue, and digital fabrication staff will print the models and update the online queue located on the SOA digifab website ( when models are completed. Students are invited to help with post-processing of the models in order to get hands-on time with the machines. The 3D printer protocols, instructions for use, fee structure and job submittal form can be found at

CNC Mills
The School has two CNC mills located in 006 Slocum, a large 4’ x 8’ mill, and a smaller 4’ x 4’ mill. Details on use of the mills, fees for use, and job submittal form can be found at

Formech 450 Vacuum Former
The School’s vacuum former in 008 Slocum can handle plastic sheet materials up to 18” x 18” with a maximum pull depth of 9”. Details on use and acceptable materials can be found at

Wood Shop Room, 006 Smith Hall
Hours: Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed Sunday.

Full wood shop with hand tools and 6 work benches.

Digi Fab Room, 005 Smith Hall
Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m., Friday 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The Digi Fab Room at Smith Hall maintains 2 laser cutters (no plastics), 8 FDM Lulzbot 3D printers, 4 SLA Formlab printers (prints color, black, white, and clear), 1 Onyx paper cutter and 2 work benches.

The fabrication lab/model shop can be a stressful environment, with sharp tools, heavy equipment, and a high noise level during busy times. Respect of others in this space is critical for the shop to function properly. The shop’s staff members are trained to assist students with their projects, provide guidance in the safe and proper use of equipment, and perform maintenance on equipment when needed. They are also responsible for workflow logistics, and need to know in advance what people plan to do.

Please avoid last-minute work. This interferes with normal workflow and can create a hazardous environment. All users are required to clean up their work after each session.

Additional policies:

  • Start assignments early to give yourself and the shop staff time to work through the details.
  • Bring drawings to discuss with shop staff. They can help you decide on materials and methods.
  • Safety glasses and closed-toed shoes are required attire.
  • Tie back long hair, and contain loose clothing and jewelry, to avoid getting caught in machinery.
  • Have a cut list ready before occupying a machine. Others may be waiting to use it.
  • Ask for training when you need it. Assumptions can be hazardous!
  • Let the staff know if you need to leave something in the shop.
  • Let the staff know if you need to borrow something from the shop.
  • Clean up after yourself.


Students must be registered for a summer architecture course or employed by the School of Architecture in order to use the School’s facilities over the summer. This includes the computer labs, plot room, laser cutters, CNC, wood shop, etc. Working for a faculty member without being paid by the school does not qualify. Working on a competition, taking a summer course at another university or college, or working on thesis also do not qualify. This is a matter of University policy and relates to questions of legal liability.


Syracuse University has established e-mail as a primary vehicle for official communication with students, faculty and staff. Each registered student and active faculty and staff member is assigned an official Syracuse University e-mail address by Information Technology and Services (ITS) according to a naming convention regulated by ITS. All official University email communications will be sent to the assigned address, including but not limited to communications from faculty to students registered in their classes and from administrative units to students. Please do not use the SU Google Apps account for emailing. Improper use of computing systems, including e-mail, as described in the Responsible Use of Information Technology Systems and Resources policy is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.



In addition to the University’s Academic Integrity Policy, students in the School of Architecture are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the ethical ideals of the profession of architecture. Any breach of academic integrity is a violation of an assumed trust between the School and the student.

It is important to remember that the Academic Integrity Policy applies to all academic work. In studio the student may not copy, paraphrase, or reuse outside sources or the work of other students unless credit is clearly given. All media, including text, images and video, whether scanned from a book, downloaded from the internet or obtained by any means, must be properly credited in all presentations. If a student receives help in the execution of the design presentation (i.e., assistance in preparing drawings, images, digital or physical models, animations, or work of any kind), proper credit must be given at the time of presentation. Proper credit must be given if work is the result of a collaboration. Students at all levels are not permitted, under any circumstances, to offer compensation for assistance by other individuals in the preparation of any project. Presenting someone else’s work, in any medium, as one’s own work is plagiarism, and will be considered by the School to be as serious a breach of academic integrity as cheating on exams. Students may not present the work of others either as their own academic work or without proper citation in any context, including coursework, but also the preparation of a portfolio, website, or presentation outside the confines of an academic course. Such acts will be considered plagiarism, and treated as a breach of the Academic Integrity Policy.

Theft of Intellectual Property: Credit to Collaborators
Design and production collaborators for academic projects, thesis assistants, and work produced for a firm must be credited specifically. Credit must appear on sample pages and portfolios, or posted on the wall during thesis reviews. Examples:

  • Design collaboration with J. Doe. Images produced by T. Wang unless otherwise noted
  • Design and production collaboration with D. Park
  • Thesis Assistants – K. Okonjo, model. P. Rodriguez, rendering
  • Rendering produced for Samson Architects

Students who believe they have observed a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy should report the case to their instructor or the associate dean immediately. Students who believe they have observed a violation outside the confines of an academic course should report the case to the associate dean.


Grading Guidelines for Design Studios
The following grading guidelines used by all design instructors when awarding grades in all Design Studio courses:


Work that demonstrates consistent and clear integration of core course concepts, and drawing standards, and design objectives as outlined in the syllabus and project assignment documents. The work evidences substantial integration of feedback from the instructor(s) and consistently meets and exceeds the expectations and requirements established in the goals, rubrics, and learning objectives outlined in the course syllabus. The work successfully satisfies the course learning objectives.


Work that demonstrates consistent improvement in regard to course concepts and development based on instructor feedback. The work is characterized by sustained accordance with course goals, rubrics, and learning objectives. The work largely evidences success in achieving course learning objectives, but gaps or minor deficiencies are present.


Work that demonstrates moderate understanding of course concepts, integration of feedback, and/or development of projects and other coursework. While all course learning objectives are addressed, the work only moderately evidences success in achieving them. Inconsistencies and gaps in the work are noticeably present. 


Work that demonstrates minimal understanding of course concepts and generally lacks in adherence to course learning objectives. The work produced is predominantly characterized by inconsistencies and minimal integration of instructor feedback. (Undergraduate Only)


Work that demonstrates a substantial lack of understanding of course concepts and integration of feedback. Significant incompleteness is evidenced in the work produced and in meeting learning objectives.

Studio work is graded on the basis of performance rather than potential, and considers individual student improvement throughout the semester. Here, performance in this case is defined as a combination of intention, participation, and production, as well as level of completeness.


A student may request an’ Incomplete’ if the student has exceptional circumstances that prevent them from fulfilling all course requirements on time. Students will work with the instructor to determine if an ‘Incomplete’ is warranted, and if so, the terms of the ‘Incomplete’ agreement (e.g. provisional grade, remaining work to be submitted, and deadline to submit outstanding work).  ‘Incomplete’ should only be granted if the student has completed enough course content to have a grade assigned based on the work to date.  An ‘Incomplete’ is not available if the student has not completed enough work on which to base a grade. The instructor calculates a grade for the student based on work completed to date, counting unsubmitted work as zero. A maximum of one year is allowed for removal of the ‘Incomplete.’

Auditing a course allows students to expand their knowledge without having the responsibility of fulfilling the academic requirements for that course. No academic credit is earned. Audited courses appear on grade reports and transcripts with no credit hours and a grade of ‘AU.’ Audited courses do not affect the student’s GPA and do not count towards any School or University requirement.

Students must be enrolled in the class prior to requesting to audit.  The course instructor will approve the request to audit, and the signed Audit Request Form must be submitted to your academic advisor by the Grading Option Deadline.  Once the request to audit is processed, the decision is final and cannot be rescinded. Students may withdraw from an audited course in the usual manner. Full-time undergraduate students are not charged for auditing during the academic year. Students registered for less than 12 credits pay for audited courses at 60% of the regular per credit fee. See the Tuition, Fees and Related Policies bulletin for details: Students will not be permitted to audit an architecture elective if there is an active wait list for that class with students who need to take the class for credit.

Mandatory Archiving Policy
The school collects and archives student work. Students are required to upload their work towards the end of each semester to a designated set of course folders on the network. Detailed steps to accomplish this, including file naming conventions and file formats, are distributed by faculty towards the end of each semester. Archiving must be completed in order for a student to receive a grade.

Grade Appeal Policy
The following set of statements is informed by practice at Syracuse University for a student seeking resolution to a grievance of a course grade.  This process supersedes the Syracuse University grade appeal process as identified in the Academic Rules 8.4.6 for Architecture students appealing a grade in an ARC course.  

  1. The assignment of grades at Syracuse University is the responsibility of the faculty. Once assigned by a member of the faculty, a grade cannot be changed without their consent, except by due process as detailed below. In cases where the instructor of record is not a member of the faculty, the faculty member charged with oversight of that instructor is ultimately responsible for the assignment of grades.

  2. A course grade is based upon the instructor’s professional assessment of the academic quality of student performance. Such assessments are non-negotiable, and disputes about such assessments do not constitute valid grounds for an appeal. Valid grounds can arise, for example, when  an instructor fails to provide or implement uniform and consistent standards, bases an assessment on criteria other than academic performance, or incorrectly calculates a grade.

  3. The appeal process for a grade dispute begins by submitting a written appeal to the instructor of record/faculty member in charge of the course that describes the basis for the grievance. Failure to comply with this may be grounds for denial of subsequent appeals. An appeal must be initiated before the last day of classes of the academic semester immediately following the one in which the aggrieved grade was received by the Registrar. In order for an appeal to be resolved prior to the last day of classes of the academic semester immediately following the one in  which the aggrieved grade was received, a student must initiate the appeal process prior to the midterm of that academic semester. Appeals initiated after the midterm date may not be resolved until the following semester.

  4. If the grade dispute is not resolved after correspondence between the student and instructor of record/faculty member in charge of the class, an appeal beyond the instructor of record may be initiated in writing to the Program Chair. This written appeal should describe the basis for  the grievance, the steps taken to resolve the dispute, remedies sought, and all material (visual and written) relevant to the appeal. These documents constitute the full Grade Appeal and once submitted, may not be amended. The faculty member in charge will be given an opportunity to respond to the Grade Appeal statement in writing and may also attach visual and written material. These submissions constitute the case documents that will be reviewed by a Grade Appeal Panel.

  5.  The Program Chair will task the Grade Appeal Panel to review the case.
    • The panel shall have a quorum of three faculty members.
    • All voting members of the panel shall be tenured faculty.
    • No member of the panel shall hear a case who has been involved in a previous stage of the appeal.
    • Membership of the panel shall be fixed and made public in a given academic year, though replacements may be made in the event of resignations.
    • Membership of the panel shall be approved by the faculty of the school, or by a representative group of the faculty, in each academic year.
    • The Senate Committee on Instruction shall approve the manner of selection and charge of a school’s panel before its first case. The committee shall also approve any subsequent changes in the manner of selection or charge of the school’s panel.
    • The panel may, at its discretion, meet with the aggrieved parties either separately or together.
    • The decision of this panel, either to deny the student’s original appeal or to authorize the Registrar to change the grade, shall be final. The panel shall inform both the student and the instructor of its decision in writing.
    • The panel shall also summarize the case and its outcome in a  written report to the Senate Committee on Instruction. Said committee may include summary statistics on grade disputes in its final report to the Senate.

  6.  The only grounds for any further appeal shall be irregularities in the above procedures.

  7.  In such cases, either party may appeal the final decision of the Grade Appeals Panel to the Senate Committee on Instruction. The Senate Committee on Instruction may either deny the appeal or insist that the procedure begin anew at the point the irregularity occurred.

  8. All stages of the appeal process shall be kept confidential to the maximum extent possible, consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

2023-2024 School of Architecture Grade Appeal Panel

  • Larry Davis
  • Joseph Godlewski
  • Brian Lonsway
  • Mark Linder


In those instances where an individual is requesting a waiver of School policy, a review of an academic action, or special consideration, it is necessary to file a Petition to the Faculty form. This standard form is available here: Any supporting documentation should be attached to the form. Petitions are submitted via email to your academic advisor to be reviewed by the Program Chair.



Design Grade Requirements
During the first two years in design studio (ARC 107, ARC 108 and ARC 207, ARC 208), a semester grade of ‘D’ is a passing grade provided a cumulative design GPA of 2.0 is achieved for the two-semester academic year.

If the studio GPA for the academic year is less than 2.0, a committee of studio instructors will review the student’s work and performance for the two semesters involved and decide whether repeating a studio for grade improvement is required, or whether the student may advance to the next design year with the requirement that the missing grade points be made up during the subsequent year’s studios. The decision of the faculty is final. Students are required to digitally archive the year’s work for possible faculty review and, if necessary, should be prepared to make additional material available for review before leaving campus in May.

A minimum grade of ‘C’ is required in ARC 307, ARC 407, ARC 408, and ARC 409. In cases where students are required to repeat design studios, one 6-credit studio may be petitioned as open elective credits toward the degree.

Pass/Fail Grading Option

Student may elect to take a class Pass/Fail. Only Open Electives may be taken Pass/Fail. Students should visit their MySlice portal, Student Home/eForms to elect or rescind the grading option for pass/fail.

Graduation Requirements
In addition to fulfillment of all specific course requirements, graduation from the School of Architecture requires a minimum overall GPA of 2.0 in two areas: in all courses (including all architecture and non-architecture coursework) and in all architecture courses.

Repeating Courses
Students may retake a course for grade improvement. (Note: Students receiving a TAP award should contact their financial aid advisor for financial implications of repeating courses). The lower grade remains on the official transcript, but only the higher of the two grades is calculated into the GPA. Students must re-register for courses they wish to repeat; under no circumstances are students allowed to merely ‘sit in’ on a course in a subsequent semester, and have a new grade submitted.

Students may not retake an architecture course after completing a more advanced course in the same sequence (design, building technology, structures, history/theory). Students should check with their academic advisor before retaking a course. A student may not register for the same architecture course more than three times. For more information on repeated courses, please refer to the Academic Rules section of the course catalog.


Academic Probation
A student will not be considered in good academic standing, and will be placed on Academic Probation for the following semester, when any of the following conditions exist:

  • Cumulative GPA below 2.0, or
  • Semester GPA below 2.0, or
  • Semester GPA in ARC classes below 2.0, or
  • Fewer than 24 credits have been earned over a 12-month period, or insufficient progress toward degree.

The student will return to good academic standing, and probationary status removed, if the semester GPA while on probation is at or above 2.0 and their cumulative GPA is at or above 2.0.

College Suspension
After two consecutive semesters not meeting all criteria to maintain good academic standing,  the student will be suspended for one year from the School of Architecture.  Additionally, students who earn less than a 1.0 GPA in any single semester will be suspended from the School of Architecture immediately.

Under most circumstances, students may appeal their suspension.  Such appeals must be made in writing, by the assigned deadline, for review by the school’s faculty administration. 

A student suspended from the School of Architecture may, under certain circumstances, petition to register for university courses outside of the school.

After the required term of suspension, students need to request readmission to the school, in writing, 30 days prior to the start of the semester which they plan to return.  Students will remain on academic probation for the semester which they return.  After a total of four (4) semesters not in good academic standing, students will be permanently suspended and no longer eligible to continue as a student at the School of Architecture.

For more information on policies that relate to probation, suspension, and other academic actions such as leave of absence, withdrawal, and readmission, please refer to the University Academic Rules.

Full-time and Part-time Status
Each student in the School of Architecture is required to register as a main-campus student for 10 semesters. Registering for less than 12 credits in a Fall or Spring semester will change the student’s status from full-time to per-credit, and students will be charged the main-campus per-credit tuition rate.

Rate Exception
Bachelor of Architecture students who need an 11th semester to finish degree requirements may petition for University College rates for their final 11 credit hours. This may only happen after completion of 10 full-time semesters. Petitions must be submitted to your academic advisor for review.


For the first five semesters, each student will be assigned to a specific studio section. These studios must be taken in sequence as shown on the curriculum chart. Efforts are made to ensure that no student has the same studio instructor twice. Studio sections are determined by the school and are final. Students are notified of their studio assignment via email prior to the start of each semester.

Third- and fourth-year studios (ARC 407 and ARC 408) may be taken on the main campus or one of our global campuses. Studio assignments for the main campus visiting critic studios are made on the basis of a balloting system, with first-choice being given whenever possible.


The School of Architecture offers a variety of opportunities for off-campus study. These include regular semester-long programs in Florence, London, and New York City. To participate in off-campus programs, students must be in good academic standing, with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.

While every attempt will be made to accommodate accepted students for the semester of their choice (fall, spring and/or summer), the School of Architecture reserves the right to apportion students among semesters to create balanced enrollments.



Advanced Standing and Credit Evaluation Exams

Advanced standing is determined at the time of admission after a complete review of the applicant’s portfolio by representatives of the faculty. Students who are accepted with advanced standing will receive credit for ARC 604, ARC 605, ARC 621, ARC 681, and ARC 650.3, along with 1 history elective, 2 professional electives, and 2 open electives. 

Credit evaluation exams in the areas of Architectural History and Structures are offered during the orientation week prior to the first week of classes. Students who receive a grade of “B” or better on these exams will receive equivalency credits in these subject areas that can be applied to the total number of credits required to graduate. Students entering with advanced standing who receive a grade of “B” or better will be able to waive specific courses in these subject areas, but will need to substitute elective credits, as 76 credits is the fewest credits with which the M.Arch. degree can be completed.

Graduation and GPA Requirements

All graduate students at Syracuse University must achieve a 2.8 GPA in the first 30 credit hours of graduate work in order to maintain matriculated status. Equivalent credit is not included in the computation of the GPA for graduation.

Students must also maintain a GPA of 2.8 for any one semester or they will be placed on academic probation

Students on academic probation who do not achieve a GPA of 2.8 in their probationary semester will be required to take a one year leave of absence from the program. Details on academic probation appear elsewhere in this handbook.

Students in the M.Arch.  program must maintain a design GPA of at least 2.8 for the first two consecutive studios in the curriculum (ARC 604, 605 OR ARC 606, 608). Otherwise, one of the two studios must be repeated and completed with a grade sufficient to achieve the 2.8 average.

The minimum passing grade for graduate students is “C-”, however, in order to graduate, students must achieve a 3.0 GPA overall, excluding transferred credit.


Academic Probation
Students in the School of Architecture will be placed on academic probation when their fall or spring semester GPA is less than 2.8, and will be advised of this action in a letter from the Chair of Graduate Programs. Grades received during the summer, including study abroad, are not included in this policy. Students with a GPA of less than 2.8 for two consecutive fall and spring semesters will be required to take a minimum one-year leave of absence. Re-admission after such a leave of absence will be on a two-semester trial basis during which the student must take a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester and satisfy the minimum academic GPA requirements mentioned above to remain in the program. Students in the latter stages of the program who satisfy the previously mentioned criteria, but have a cumulative GPA below 3.0, will be required to submit a plan for attaining the 3.0 GPA required to graduate. For more information on policies and procedures, please refer to the section, Academic Rules, in the Graduate Course Catalog.

Leave of Absence
Students can initiate a leave of absence for financial, health, or personal reasons. This is usually granted for a maximum of one year. The official Leave of Absence form requires a description of conditions of re-admittance into the program, determined by the chair of graduate programs, or the dean, and agreed to by the student. If the leave is for health reasons, submission of a medical statement is required. Students receiving financial aid must inform the Office of Financial Aid. To initiate re-admittance, the student must file an application for readmission form with the graduate program and the graduate school. The effective date of any leave of absence is recorded on the student’s transcript.


Scholarships are available for Global Programs, however, students must be registered for their program by April 15 in order to be considered for any scholarship for the upcoming summer (programs offered between May and August).


Graduate Assistantships (GAs) are appointed in the areas of teaching and research. GAs in teaching (teaching assistants, or TAs) are awarded for academic merit and demonstrated excellence in a core area of study: Design, Media, History, Theory, Technology, Structures, or Computing. GAs in research (research assistants or RAs) are awarded for academic merit and capacity to assist a particular faculty member in his/her area of research. TAs in design are awarded on an annual basis in a student’s final year, while TAs in other fields are awarded at the beginning of the academic year. A GA in the School of Architecture requires a commitment of between 10 to 20 hours per week and provides between six and 12 credit hours of remitted tuition and a stipend each semester. 

Students must maintain a 3.0 GPA, and may not be enrolled in more than 13 credits during the terms in which they serve as a TA. This may have the impact of extending a student’s program by one semester. All new TAs are required to attend an orientation program administered by the Graduate School, and all new and continuing TAs are required to attend a School of Architecture orientation. GAs are assigned by the Chair of Graduate Programs and are administered by the School of Architecture graduate program office.


TA positions are generally awarded to continuing Masters students, with rare exceptions made for outstanding first-year students should the need arise.

Students assigned TAships may not register for more than 13 credits during the academic year terms in which they are serving as a TA. (International TAs who are required by the graduate school to enroll in English language coursework in parallel to their TA assignment must register for no more than 13 credits total, including the language coursework.)

Students must maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA to maintain eligibility for a TA assignment.

To be eligible for a TA appointment for a course, a student must have successfully completed with a grade of B or better, have received equivalent credit from the school's equivalent credit evaluation process, or have transferred equivalent graduate coursework from another institution for the course in question or the MArch equivalent of the BArch course.

Students must have held and successfully completed at least one three-credit course TA assignment to be eligible for a TA assignment in the ARC 107/108 studio sequence.

End of term student evaluations and faculty assessments of TA performance are weighed heavily in the assignment of TA positions.

Students must not be on probation for Academic Integrity or Student Conduct Violations. 

Additionally, students are expected to inform the school of any open Academic Integrity or Student Conduct investigations at the time they are applying to a TAship, and if violations are confirmed during their contract.


Research and Design Internships are awarded each semester to provide an opportunity for students to assist faculty with their scholarly and creative work outside of the RA program. These are positions that require a smaller time commitment than an RA, and do not include a tuition award or stipend. Research and Design Interns (RIs) are paid an hourly rate for up to 10 hours per week. In advance of each semester, the graduate office solicits applications from students and faculty.

While all graduate students are eligible for program-sponsored RIships, we prioritize the awarding of RIships to academically qualified students who are not already assigned research or teaching assistantships. Teaching assistants who apply for an RIship are considered on a case by case basis to help ensure the integrity and quality of the RI program. It is strongly recommended students enroll in no more than 13 credits while assigned a Research Intern position.


Master of Architecture Graduate Tuition Scholarships awarded upon admission are renewable for each academic term (fall and spring semesters) of the student’s degree provided the student maintains full-time status, satisfactory progress toward your degree, and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. Tuition scholarships will be evaluated and renewed following the completion of each semester.  

If a student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.0, the semester’s Graduate Tuition Scholarship will be reduced by half until their cumulative GPA meets or exceeds 3.0. Tuition scholarships are reinstated if the student’s cumulative GPA meets or exceeds 3.0 in subsequent semesters.


Students who are enrolled full-time in a required summer of study and are not on academic probation are eligible for a summer tuition scholarship. The scholarship amount is correlated to both the Graduate Tuition Scholarship offered upon admission and the number of summer credits in which the student is enrolled seven days after the first day of the summer registration period. If a student is not enrolled in at least nine credits by this date, they are not considered eligible for summer tuition scholarship support.


Graduate Tuition Scholarships awarded to a student are replaced by the remitted tuition component of an awarded Teaching Assistantship. If, in a subsequent semester, a student in this situation is no longer assigned a Teaching Assistantship, the Graduate Tuition Scholarship originally awarded during admission will be renewed, provided the student is enrolled full time and maintains a cumulative GPA of 3.0, as stated in section 4.6.