User Accounts

All staff and faculty are issued an SUID number and NetID user account for the purposes of identification and access to services. 


SUID is a nine-digit number unique to each user account, and is imprinted on the physical Syracuse University identification card. SUIDs for new hires are created by Human Resources.


NetID is an alphanumeric string composed of elements from the employee or student’s full name.  Each employee or sponsored affiliate is responsible for activation of their NetID on the ITS Self-Service web site:

Once the NetID is activated, University resources such as email and network storage are provisioned, and the account becomes available to IT for support.

Please see: NetID and resource - Eligibility and Expiration


Each user has an associated University email address of the form <NetID> Email for faculty and staff addressed to the official email address is delivered to a University provided Microsoft Exchange mailbox. 

Please see: E-Mail Policy


As per University policy, NetID passwords must be changed annually and may not be shared. For more information on University policies governing computer accounts, please refer to the SU Policies web site.

Please see: Password Change


On the last day of work for resignation, termination or retirement, a de-provisioning timeline for such staff and faculty begins which will governs access to the University IT resources.

Please see: IT Resources After Leaving SU