ArcGIS Pro
Free student license
Students can get a free license for ArcGIS Pro to install on a personal computer.
The student license remains in effect until you graduate–no need to renew it each year like in the past.
You can use the license on up to three personal computers.
Use your NetID credentials to sign in to ArcGIS Pro once it's installed. You can also sign in to ArcGIS Online.
When installing ArcGIS Pro on your computer, it may complain that Microsoft .NET 6 x64 is missing. Here is a direct link to the .NET installation file. After you install .NET, try to install ArcGIS Pro again.
Updating to the latest version
To update to the latest version, visit the free license page link above to obtain the newest installation files.
ArcGIS Online
ArcGIS Online can be used through a web browser by signing in with your NetID credentials.
Using ArcGIS Pro in the arch computer labs
ArcGIS Pro is available in the computer labs.
When you start the program, it will prompt you to sign in. Use your NetID credentials.
How to access the Living Atlas data source
If you try to add a data source under Living Atlas and get prompted to login, do the following steps:
3D Analyst & Data Interoperability Tools
Open ArcGIS Pro and start a Map project.
Click the Analysis tab.
Click the Tools button.
On the right side of the window, the Geoprocessing panel should appear.
Within the Geoprocessing panel, click the Toolboxes tab. 3D Analyst Tools and Data Interoperability Tools should appear on the list.
If you need to open .e00 files, ArcGIS Pro cannot open them directly. Here is one method to convert them:
Use Autodesk 3d Map, which is also installed on the lab computers. You can also install the software on your personal computer by obtaining it from the Autodesk Education site.