Configuring OneDrive

Information on OneDrive at Syracuse University can be found here.

To configure OneDrive on macOS please follow these steps:

Open OneDrive from the Applications folder. For SU-owned managed Macs, OneDrive is already installed. To install on a personal Mac, go to and install OneDrive from there. 

Enter your email address:

Set up OneDrive screenshot

If you are prompted choose "Work or School"

Set up OneDrive choose personal or work or school account

You will be prompted for 2-factor next. Enter your Net ID password, click on "Sign in" and run through the 2-factor prompts.

2-factor prompts

Keep the default folder location and press next.

Read the next 3 Windows to get to know some basics about OneDrive:

Get to know your OneDrive. To add items, drag or move the, into the OneDrive folder.

Share Files and Folders

Play close attention to what the icons next to OneDrive files mean:

All your files, ready and on-demand

Click later when prompted to get the mobile app:

Get the OneDrive Mobile App

OneDrive is configured. Click "Open OneDrive Folder" to open the folder. 

OneDrive is ready. Open the folder location.