Computer Hardware Support for Retired and Emeritus Faculty

Upon retirement, the computer that the college supplies full-time faculty should be returned to A&S Computing Services.  Any computers that were purchased through grant or research funds should be returned to the department for reuse.  The college does not provide computer equipment to retired and emeritus faculty members.  Some departments provide an office for emeritus faculty and that office may have a used computer in it.  Computers are not provided to individual emeritus faculty.

Buying a computer with personal funds

A&S Computing will consult with retired or emeritus faculty regarding purchase of a personally owned computer for their retirement.  

A&S Computing will assist the faculty member in the basic setup of one computer

                Operating system will be installed with whatever version of the OS is licensed for that computer, and the computer will be configured to apply security updates

                Microsoft Office installation, and configuration of email

                Migration of any of the faculty member’s data that is allowed by SU policy

After the initial setup, no additional support will be provided since it is a personally owned system.

If retired faculty receive a new appointment within the College, then they would be considered an employee and computers would be provided as per the provisions of the A&S Computer Hardware Program.

Software available after retirement is listed on IT Resource Access for Inactive Affiliations