A&S Computer Hardware Program

July, 2023

The College of Arts and Sciences Hardware Program supports the initial purchase and replacement of general use computers for eligible faculty and staff. The program is funded through the CAS Computing Services annual budget.

Eligible staff and faculty

 The CAS Computer Hardware Program provides new and replacement individual-use hardware to

  • Full-time tenured and tenure track faculty, teaching professors, and professors of practice.
  • Full-time (including AY-only) permanent staff positions that support entire departments or internally funded College-wide units (e.g., the Humanities Center, Forensics).

Depending on availability, used computers may be available for part-time faculty, part-time staff, or other employees who are not eligible for new computers through the CAS Computing budget.

Provided hardware

 When CAS Computing Services funding is used to purchase an initial or replacement computer, the computer will be a new standard model (Mac/Win laptop/desktop) computer as defined by the group. The CAS Computing Services will arrange for the purchase of the computer. Some peripherals may be provided by the CAS Computing Services. Alternate funding sources are required to provide the differential for non-standard hardware or peripherals, or for more frequent replacements.

Initial computer purchases

 Eligible new faculty members are provided a new standard computer at the start of their appointment.  Staff members that are hired into a newly created position (new PIN) will be provided a new computer.



 Replacement computers for eligible full-time faculty and staff are provided on a regular schedule. Currently, computers are replaced every four (4) years. The replaced computer will be returned to CAS Computing Services for re-use if its purchase was primarily supported by this program.

Termination of employment

 At termination of employment, including transitions to emeritus faculty status, all computers purchased using Syracuse University funds will be returned to the CAS Computing Services. The disposition of computers bought through this program is decided by the CAS Computing Services. If computers were purchased on grants or with departmental funds, the department can decide where they should be used. If an emeritus faculty member retains an office or shares an office with other emeritus faculty, a desktop computer may be provided for that office.  See additional details at Computer Hardware Support for Retired and Emeritus Faculty.