Add Media to Existing Playlist

To add one entry at a time (option 1):

  1. On your My Media page, click the thumbnail or title of the media you want to add to a playlist. The media entry page displays. 

  2. Select Add to playlist from the Actions menu.

To add one entry at a time (option 2):

  1. On your My Media page, select a media item by checking the box next to the media item.
  2. Select Add to playlist from the Actions menu.

To add multiple entries at the same time:

  1. On your My Media page, select multiple media items by checking the boxes next to each. 
  2. Select Add to playlist from the Actions menu. 

The Add to Playlist window displays.


  1. Click to choose a playlist from the list.
  2. After you have made your selection, click Add. A message displays that this media was added to the playlist.